
Borntobite Flies! Part Two

by Midnight17

Borntobite had always wanted to fly. He wasn't good at anything else. But due to a problem in his left wing he would never fly. Or so he thought.

Borntobite knocked on the plank of wood that was actually Saibunny's door. "Come in!" came a voice from under the door. Borntobite grabbed a loose nail on the wood and pulled it. The door swung open revealing a small tunnel leading down into the darkness. He crawled down the tunnel until it ended, opening up into a wide room. The room was usually gloomy but today it was very bright. The source of light came from a jar on the table.

Standing by the table was Saibunny. She was watching the bottle closely. The bottle would wobble now and then. "Hi!" said Borntobite, "What is that?"

"That," replied Saibunny, "is a Light Faerie!" She was smiling.

Borntobite was confused. "Why don't you use it?"

She looked at him she smiled even more, "Because you can!" she said.

"Saibunny," Borntobite said, "I don't want to use it. I don't want to fight ever! All I want to do is fly!" he said, getting a bit angry.

"No!" said Saibunny, "I mean you can take it to the Faerie Queen! Offer to let it free without making it teach you a spell and she might grant you a wish! Like a wish for a fixed wing!"

Now it made sense. Borntobite was amazed. This idea was perfect! He might fly after all! "Oh my gosh! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" he yelled. Borntobite grabbed the bottle and ran, screaming "Thank You!" as he left.

Borntobite got onto his bike and raced away toward Neopia Central. Saibunny came out of her hole and waved as he disappeared into the horizon. Five minutes later Borntobite reached Neopia Central. He parked his bike in front of the Faerie Towers building and went inside.

"May I help you?" asked the receptionist.

"Yes," said Borntobite eagerly, "I must see the Faerie Queen. It is extremely urgent!"

The receptionist started typing at her computer and then said, "I'm sorry. The Faerie Queen is busy all day. Come back next week."

Borntobite did something he had never done before: He roared. His eyes went red. "I have come to see the Faerie Queen!" he repeated. "You will not stop me!" he yelled.

The receptionist calmly picked up a telephone and dialed a number. "Yes security?" she asked, "Code red. Get here now!"

Again Borntobite did something he had never done before: He spat a big red fireball directly at the phone and it blew apart in the receptionist's hand. Borntobite walked over to the elevator and pressed the button. Ding! The doors opened and he walked in. "What floor is the Faerie Queen on?" Borntobite asked the receptionist.

"Top floor," she whimpered. He pressed the button and the doors closed.

The elevator doors opened and Borntobite stepped out. There in front of him was… The Faerie Queen herself!

"What is the meaning of this disturbance?" she asked angrily.

Borntobite had calmed down now and replied, "Ever since birth I have not been able to fly because I cannot move my left wing. I came here in hope that if I was to set this little Light Faerie free without making it teach me a spell you might grant me a wish. Because I wish to be able to fly!" he said.

The Faerie Queen looked at him, no longer angry. She actually looked impressed! "I'm sorry" she said, "but even as powerful as I am I cannot do that. I can however make you another offer. Open that bottle and I will help you."

Borntobite did as he was told. He took the plug out of the bottle and the little ball of light that it contained flew out of the bottle and vanished.

"Now," said the Faerie Queen, "I will help you. Have you heard of a band of Poogles that climb up to the top of Terror Mountain and then race down it again. Gaining so much speed that when they reach a certain point they open their ears like wings and glide. I give you this ring. Wear it on your hand. Take it to these Poogles. When you get there tell them that I sent you to join them. This will sound strange to them. They will probably not believe you. Rub the ring and a small holograph of me will appear. It will tell them that I have truly sent you. They will take you up the mountain with you for fear that I will punish them if they do not."

Borntobite was lost for words. He was so happy he was crying! "Thank you," he whispered. "Thank you for everything!" He put the ring on his finger and walked into the elevator and left.

To be continued...