
Those Crazy Pets of Mine: Part Three

by Selphie_Tilmitt

I Want Caaaaaaaaaaandy!

The small group of intrepid adventurers walked downtown Neopia High Street window shopping and laughing at all the prices.

"OooooooooHhhhhhh Seeeeeeelphie, will you buy me this piece of candy corn for 56000 NP?" laughed Harle_quin.

"Or how about this already bitten apple for 2000?" laughed WhiteSilver.

"Please you guys, you all know I want to spend all my money on faeries and map pieces!" laughed Selphie.

"Hm, what about paintbrushes? Those are really pricey..." said Admantine.

"Why would I need one? You're all already unique now, and I didn't buy or sell a single one..I traded for them, it might have taken longer but the price was right!" said Selphie.

"Nuuuuh-uuuuh! You have a Christmas Paintbrush in your shoooop Selphie! For a whole 800 NP! How do you explain THAT? Oh nonconformist one!" said Viator.

"Well, none of you wanted to be Christmassy and I think I priced it fairly, paintbrushes aren't necessarily common...even when I traded for it I had to give up a few map pieces, Codestones, and Faeries," said Selphie matter-of-factly.

"True..by the way Selphie, isn't that your guild building over there?" said WhiteSilver as she pointed to a large stone building.

"Yeah, that's the old Final Fantasy guild, you know, the guys there are okay.." said Selphie nostalgically.

"Weiiiiiiiiiirdo…." hummed Harle_quin "Guuuuuuess who doessssn't geeet any desseeeeert todaaaay..." hummed Selphie.

"Tch," said Harle_quin as she shut her mouth.

"Hn, Selphie….are you ever going to enter us into a Battledome competition?" asked Viator.

"Haha, you're funny great fire dragon…I'm sorry they aren't open to the public yet...only a few people can use it so far…kinda stinks but what can you do?" said Selphie.

"There are other things to do you know..."said Harle_quin.

"Ooooh but we can't allll be members of the Flying Poogles!" laughed Viator.

"You joke, but we really do some fun stuff..." said Harle_quin.

"You guys never get along..." said Selphie.

"Don't give up. We'll get along someday..." said Admantine.

"Whatever, you're all just so different...Harle_quin is a Flying Poogle...WhiteSilver is a Racing Cybunny...Admantine is a model and Viator is THE great fire dragon," said Selphie. "That doesn't count," said Admantine.

"HEY!" yelled Viator.

"Fine...Viator's one of the top in her class at the training school," said Selphie.

"Do you not like us being different?" asked WhiteSilver.

"I didn't say that...I just think it's unique," said Selphie as they continued walking to their home.

The Wind Beneath My Wings...and Then I Fell

The intrepid little group continued on their way home arguing and laughing through most of the trip. As they got closer an Usul ran by being chased by a large yellow Skeith.

"Hmm, they must be lost..." said Selphie.

"I feel kinda bad for the Usul...maybe I should help her?" asked Viator.

"Tch...she probably just annoyed the Skeith," said Admantine.

"Yeah, but you can do that by sitting near one...I think I will help," said Viator.

"All right, just please be sure to be home by dinner…or I'll let Harle_quin eat your dessert," said Selphie as Viator scampered off in the direction the Usul had run.

As she rounded the corner she saw the Usul huddled into a corner with the Skeith nearly on top of her growling.

"Oy!" yelled Viator and the Skeith turned and growled at her...

"Hey Skeith…say cheese," said Viator in a bad accent.

The Skeith started running towards her and Viator got into a weird Praying Mantis pose her master at the Techo Training school had taught her...his words repeated over and over in her head: "Remember toadhopper, when you are in the deep sands of trouble, the flying bird of the green moss will save you."

Viator didn't quite know what this meant...but she thought it anyway... "MEEEEEEYAAAH!" yelled Viator as she leapt into the air...*the camera shifts position and does some weird matrix thing* Like in the movies, Viator's foot came down square on the Skeith's head, giving him a large lump and sending him flying into the air to some unknown place.

"Muahaaa…..booyaka..." said Viator as she looked into the corner expecting the Usul to be gasping for air...surprise, she was...

"Are you okay?" asked Viator.

"Define okay..." said the Usul.

"OK…….? what?" said Viator.

"Thanks anyway, here you can have this...it's what the Skeith wanted...I was supposed to get it for my master but...I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I gave it to you for what you did…" said the Usul, and she handed Viator a bottled Faerie, "Whoaho…thanks!" said Viator staring at the Fire Faerie.

"No, thank you! See ya around!" said the Usul as it hopped off into the shadows.

"Hmm...I should really take this to Selphie to put in her store but…….hm…she wouldn't know…." said Viator aloud as she began uncorking the bottle. She closed her eyes and waited to be blessed by the grateful Faerie as it flew out of the jar. But much to her surprise, it didn't happen.

"Hey, HEY! You're supposed to bless me!" yelled Viator as she opened her eyes and stomped.

"Whoa, nice welcome…maybe I shouldn't have chosen you?" said a voice from above.

"Buh?" said Viator as she looked up and gasped.

"That's more like it, wish I could take a picture of that face," said the voice. It came from a girl with brownish/orangish hair, wearing a red dress and she seemed to be radiating power.

"The……….uber fire faerie?" gasped Viator.

"Hey, capitalize my name when you say that!" said the Faerie.

"Uber Fire Faerie, sorry, sorry,..wait….what?" said Viator puzzled.

"Ha, that one always gets people," laughed the Fire Faerie.

"Oooh, you're one of those 'new age' Faeries huh?" said Viator.

"Don't act so surprised..." said the Faerie.

"Why are you here? Do I have to do one of those annoying quests?" sighed Viator.

"Aha, maybe I should just leave..." said the Faerie.

"NO WAIT!" said Viator, jumping up and down.

"I thought so...I chose you because you helped my little assistant the Usul," said the Faerie.

"Chose me for…what now?" asked Viator.

"Weeeell, you see, deep in the volcano of Mystery Island, there have been some volcanic disturbances. And I need someone to check it out," explained the Faerie.

"And you chose me? Why?" asked Viator skeptically.

"I already told you…plus I need someone who can fly and can stand hot temperatures and fight decently," said the Faerie.

"Oh…WHAT? DECENTLY!!!" yelled Viator.

"Hehee...this might be fun after all..." said the Fire Faerie, grinning.

To be continued...