
Mariam the Stray: Part Four

by Sylvia_C

"Oh my gosh! It's-It's-It's A collection of Faeries, there accessories and codestones! Thank you so much Joella1988!!! It's so wonderful!!! Thank you!" I said with very much surprise. I was smiling the biggest smile I've ever had because I have never had such a great present from anyone. I haven't really had any presents. That's what you get for being an orphan.

"Well, how about some cake now?" Joella1988 offered.

"Sure," we all said in unison.

As Joella1988 cut the cake I thanked the lord for all of this. I finally had a family and a brand new life!


"Here is some Mustard Ice Cream for you Mariam," Joella1988 said generously.

I ate it up quickly. Suddenly I felt really sick. My head hurt like a thousand baseball bats were hitting me. I was suffering from this agony.

"Joella1988," I whimpered, "I feel sick."

"Oh no! You have Achy Head! The cure is too expensive. I can't take care of you anymore. I'm sorry but you have to go back to the orphanage," Joella said.

"No! No! I won't go back!," I refused, "They'll put me in the strangler! Don't! Please! I'll...do...anything."

By then I had passed out. I didn't know what was yet to come. All I could hope for is that I wouldn't wake up in the pound.

When I woke up. My head didn't hurt. I felt fine. I slowly opened my eyes. Yes! I was still at home.

"Are you feeling better?" Joella1988 asked.

"I found someone to help you. Her name is helping_the_sick. I posted on the bored that I would have to give my favorite pet up if I couldn't get Magic Goop. She offered and I said yes. You can stay."

"I can?!? Thank you! I love you Joella1988," I paused for a minute. "I'm...I'm your favorite pet?"

"Yes you are. You always been loyal and thankful for what you got. You have never been rude or obnoxious." Joella1988 answered.

"I never had a real mom Joella1988. But you'll always be my favorite." I started to cry. "You really are the best owner ever."

We stayed there for ten minutes. I had never been so happy in my life. She was my guardian angel. So, now it's been almost a year and we're still altogether. I have a real family, a real life and I also carry a real smile thanks to my great owner.

The End

*Note: If you are ever in the situation were you can get food or medicine or toys or books, Neomail helping_the_sick. If you have extra items the charity foundation will be glad to take them!