
The Darkest Secret of Neopia: Part Two

by Phifi

Shamathia had never experienced Mr. Spencer that excited. Up to now he had always been that quiet... the story about the wizard must be a real big thing she thought. "Tell me where do you know that name from? Did that stupid library chap tell you about?" Mr. Spencer went on, "And he had promised to keep it secret. Now - ugrs-" He suddenly stopped. From one moment to the next he was not angry anymore, he even smiled at Shamathia: "All right, keep your ear open -what should not be a problem at that size- and listen; I am gonna tell you about Cos'Anuján."

Shamathia could not believe it. Was he making fun? Just a moment ago he been absolutely against telling her about the wizard and now he answered her question as if she had asked for the post office? There must be something wrong on it she thought, but for now she wanted to listen to what Mr. Spencer was about to tell.

"Cos'Anuján... yes, he was one of those Cerpulls. Have you heard about Cerpulls?"

"Yes, I have heard that..." Mr. Spencer went on as if he had not heard Shamathia, "Cerpulls were large dragons. They loved fighting but some of them were amazingly good at magic. The Cerpulls slowly disappeared from Neopia when more and more of them changed into Tatsus. That is what you call Evolution. Well, Cos'Anuján was a Cerpull and he was very good at magic, much better than any other creature of Neopia. One day he dared to ask the Queen of Darkness - not for a quest, but for a fight. He wanted to defeat her and get all the evil out of Neopia. Nice aim but the Darkness Queen was more powerful than him. After he had lost the battle the Queen made him to her slave... he became even more powerful but his heart was not light anymore and so a dark period came over Neopia. Finally he managed to leave Neopia and enter another realm. Never had anyone done this before and never will anyone do it again."

"But why?" Shamathia asked after a little while. "I mean if there is a way others could find it, too."

"No, there will never be a creature again as powerful as Anuján. And after he had left Neopia all of his papers, books, work and even his house and the whole forest where it was built were burned to ashes. His dark knowledge is gone for ever."

Still Shamathia could not believe that everything what Cos'Anuján had done was perished because he had been that powerful. "But how can one be sure that all of his knowledge is gone if he was that powerful? Maybe he managed to hit some of his books in a secret place that is not revealed up to now?" she asked. Mr. Spencer thought for some moments before he answered: "Well, there are stories about that he did hide a book in a very special place which only he knew. The book should contain a lot of his magic. Other stories say that if the book is found again Neopia shall be consumed by the burning flames of darkness. Well, up to now nobody found the book. In fact, nobody ever searched for it because hardly anybody knows about him."

Mr. Spencer uttered a scream and went fast but with a quiet voice: "I told you too much! Take my advice and stay away from everything that has something to do with the evil wizard."

Suddenly his voice went to normal volume again, "And now go!" he was almost shouting, "Go quickly, leave me alone! Go, go !!!"

Shamathia was scared of the strange behaviour of Mr. Spencer. Had he gone crazy? She rushed out of the door and stopped first when she had reached her cave. She did not notice at all that it was snowing again and how beautiful the snow covered street looked. That night Shamathia could not sleep well. She had to think of the bizarre scene in Mr. Spencer's house again and again. At first he did not want to tell her a single word, then he told her the whole story and afterwards and he had thrown her out... maybe he had gone mad because he was not the youngest anymore? Or was it because the memory burned in him so much that he had to tell it to someone? Or..? She could not find a satisfying answer but what she found really interesting was the story about the book. What if she would find it? That was exactly what she always dream of: Finding the magic book of a mighty wizard. But was she strong enough to stay on the light side of magic if she would find the book? Would she dare it to ask the Queen of Darkness for a Battle? Would she win and get all evil out of Neopia? Or would she also become a slave of dark magic bringing pain and sorrow over Neopia? While thinking about all these questions she fell asleep.

Soon after Shamathia had fallen asleep she had a strange dream: She was standing in a square she knew somehow and all around her were flames. Everything was burning but it was not normal fire; the flames were dark and not making any light, they were even taking away the light. On the sky Shamathia could see the sun but still it was almost dark because the flames were burning the light. Now she realized that she was standing on the marketplace of Neopia and the flames around her were the burning shops and buildings. She looked at her feet and saw that the whole ground was covered with burned bones and skulls. Suddenly she realized that she was going through the last day of Neopia. The final battle was over and the light had lost. No!!! She thought I have to do something about it! That moment she saw a dark figure standing close to the flames. The figure looked at her, it was a woman. She was smiling and from her mouth there came a deadly laughter. Than she talked to Shamathia and her voice was like the deepest darkness: "So you have come. You want the book of Cos'Anuján don't you? I am glad there is finally somebody to dare to search for it!"

"Noooo" cried Shamathia "No, never! I don't want no evil book and I don't want Neopia this way! No, I don't want it. Go away, we don't want you!"

The Queen of Darkness was not irritated in any way. "Come on I show you where you can find the book."

The entire scene changed. They were not on the marketplace anymore but in the mountains. Shamathia knew where they were. She had often been to the mountains. "Have a look there!"

The Queen of Darkness said, "The power of running water has dug a tunnel through the strongest rocks. At the foot of that mountain you find the secret gate to the valley of Anuján."

Shamathia could see a narrow tunnel that had been formed by a river which was now dried out. The tunnel was hidden by some rocks and bushes.

"Enter the valley and you will find what you are searching for. Of course only if you are brave enough..." The scene changed again and they were standing in the living-room of Mr. Spencer. Mr. Spencer was sitting in his rocking-chair. He was looking very alarmed.

"Other stories say that if the book is found again Neopia shell be consumed by the burning flames of darkness. Well, up to now nobody found the book. In fact, nobody ever searched for it..." he said.

The Darkness Queen was a bit surprised. "Who dares to disturb me?" she said, lifting her arms and a beam of the dark fire rushed through the room. The fire was everywhere and Shamthia could not see anything but she could feel the immense heat.... She awaked with a scream. She lay on her bed, completely wet because she had sweat so much. Light fell into the room, it was already late in the morning. What a dream. Shamathia thought What a luck that it was only a dream... She decided to take a shower before having breakfast.

When she walked into the kitchen afterwards she was surprised to see Andy, her owner, sitting in the living-room. He was reading the new Neopian Times.

"Andy, how nice to see you!" she said. "Well, nice to see you. Please excuse me that I did not visit you yesterday but I had to write an important test at school. Anyway I can stay the whole day with you today. Of course only if you want me to." Andy answered.

Shamathia was really happy to see him. The dream had scared her quite a lot and it was good to talk with somebody about the strange happening of the last days. She told Andy about her visit in the library, the small sheet, about the restricted government side, about her visit at Mr. Spencer and finally about her nightmare. Andy listened quietly.

When Shamathia had finished he said with a quiet, clear voice: "You discovered a dark story of Neopia. I always knew that a special destiny was awaiting you, but I never though you would choose to finish the story of Cos'Anuján."

Shamathia looked at him surprised, "You know about the wizard and his story?" she asked.

"Sure I do, every owner does but it is forbidden to tell creatures of Neopia about it. But you found it out yourself and so I can tell you about it. You know already a lot but you don't know about the prophecy that one day a strong creature of Neopia will find the book and that the destiny of Neopia is in his or her hands that moment. When the creature decides to keep the book Neopia will perish but if the creature is strong enough to destroy the book a long period of peace will come over Neopia. Well, looks like you were the one to find the book. We should not waste any time and go to the valley of Anuján right now."

To be continued...