
The Legend of the Air Faerie: Part Three

by dragonmagic1313

Rascal and Wind Chaser walked for a very long time. They finally got to a rather large log cabin. Rascal yipped and a green Usul wearing rags walked slowly out of it.

“Hello, Master.” The little Usul looked up at The Air Faerie. Rascal trotted away back to The Faerie Queen. “Hi!” Wind Chaser said cheerfully.

“Can me do anything for you?” asked the Usul. A little blue Mynci dressed in an old dirty pillowcase with holes cut in it for leg-holes and armholes darted out of the cabin very quickly.

“Danny very sorry he was late!” sputtered the Mynci.

“It’s okay, Danny!” said Wind Chaser kindly.

“And what’s your name, little Usul?”

“Me 137KQ!” cried the Usul.

“137KQ?” Wind Chaser was stunned.

“You need a better name then that thing!” she yelled.

“137KQ always liked Water Lily, her friend’s name!”

“Okay, Water Lily it is!” said Wind Chaser.

“By the way, my name is Wind Chaser.”

“Danny is used to calling masters Master,” said Danny quietly.

“If that’s what you want,” said Wind Chaser. She patted Danny’s head. “So, I have servants now?”

“Yes. Danny and Thirteen - Water Lily your slaves,” said Water Lily quietly.

“That’s terrible! Who made you slaves?” cried Wind Chaser.

“Mean…mean faeries come and steal Danny and Water Lily from Jessie!” whimpered Danny.

“Jessie?” asked Wind Chaser.

“Me and Danny’s owner!” said Water Lily.

“That’s really sad,” said Wind Chaser.

“Danny miss her,” said Danny. He started to cry.

“I’ll be your new owner!” said Wind Chaser.

“Really?” Danny and Water Lily looked up.

“Did Jessie name you 137KQ?” asked Wind Chaser.

“No. Water Lily’s name was AngelGurl11,” said Water Lily, “Mean Faerie called her 137KQ.”

Wind Chaser looked sadly at the two NeoPets. She then had an idea! She rummaged into her bag and pulled out some of the clothes she had packed when she had ran away. But they had changed into long gray-blue robes. Wind Chaser grew frustrated. Then she gasped. “Where’s my favorite necklace!?” she screamed.

She dumped the contents on the bag onto the floor. She pulled out the necklace, which had also changed. It was nothing but a black cord necklace with a rainbow stone on the end. She sighed and put it on, noticing an inscription on the back. “Magical Mood Pendant Of The Air Faerie,” Wind Chaser read.

The rainbow stone flickered and changed to purple. She put her hands into the pockets of her robe and felt her hands close on a crumpled piece of paper. It was the key to the pendant.

Purple: Sad/Frustrated
Blue: Angry
Green: Bored
Rainbow: Broken or not around the correct neck
Yellow: Cheerful
Gold: Magical Powers in use
Gray/Silver: Worried
White: Shocked/Surprised

And still more instructions:

To use your powers:
Touch the stone, whatever colors it may be, and whisper: Magical Powers of the Air Faerie Pendant, (and what you’d like it to do) EXAMPLE: “Magical Powers of the Air Faerie Pendant, Find my servant!”

As Wind Chaser read the example, she was even more shocked. (Her pendant changed to white) “That’s it! Maybe I don’t want to be a Faerie anymore if I have to have slaves!” yelled Wind Chaser.

“Wait, do I have to?” she wondered.

“If you don’t want Danny and Water Lily, they will be given to a new master,” said Water Lily.

“Then it’s settled, we’re heading to Neopia to find Jessie!” said Wind Chaser. She picked up Danny and Water Lily and flew toward The Town Of The Faeries.

Her pendant glowing blue, Wind Chaser landed. An old Snow Faerie walked up to Wind Chaser, dragging a wagon full of cages.

“I’m sellin’ cages fer slaves,” he said tonelessly. “No thanks.”

Wind Chaser walked into the Map Shop. She bought a map and zipped out of the shop.

To be continued...