
The Battledome Fight of the Century!

by admiralackbar

Wildfire, a Fire Lupe, Warrioress, and a Elemental mage extraordinaire, stood leaning on a tree in Katzen Forest. She wore a hooded cloak and waited for her appointment with someone known only as Sato.

Weeks ago, Wildfire received a letter in the mail requesting that she meets this person, Sato by this tree. "He better not be late," she muttered checking her watch. In one hand, she held a Silver Sword Of Domar. In the other, a shield that was made from the finest rate Wenda in the world. Wenda, is a very rare metal found only in the mines of Withyu. Around her neck hung a very sentimental necklace. On her head, was a Wenda helm.

Suddenly, out from behind a tree, stepped a striped Kacheek with armor and a Ghoul Mask on. "Are you Sato?" Wildfire asked the Kacheek.


"I have been waiting for you for 3 weeks!" Wildfire said.

"I have been waiting for you, my whole life. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Sato, Lord of Darkness."

"Lord of Darkness?"


"Allow me to introduce myself. I am Wildfire, Warrioress. I have trained in these forests for 12 years."

"I have trained in these forests for my whole life. You are probably wondering why I have called you here?"


"I have called you here, Wildfire, because I know you are like me."

"How like you?"

"You will find out in time."

"Is that all you called me here for?"

"No. The main reason I called you here was to test your strengths in a battle to the end."


"Yes," said Sato as he unleashed an Attack Fork and Pumpkin Shield.

"OK, let's fight!

Sato launched an attack getting very close to Wildfire.

"If it's a fight you want, then it's a fight you'll get!" Wildfire said perfectly parrying Sato's attack.

"We're evenly matched. But watch out for this!" Sato said as he jumped back and fired a gigantic Fireball at Wildfire.

"Whoa!" said Wildfire barely dodging Sato's attack.

Wildfire jumped into the air and dive-bombed Sato. Wildfire hit Sato directly, paralyzing him. "I can sense your heart, Sato. Your heart is a Dark Void; there is no room for love or compassion. There is no hope for your heart or you."

At this, Wildfire used an ability to create a Bubble Shield around her. She started to walk away from Sato. Sato stood up and healed himself with the help of his Slime Potion. "I'm not finished with you yet!" Sato yelled at Wildfire.

Wildfire stopped walking and turned around. Sato launched into a barrage of slashes and slices but none got through the Bubble Shield. Wildfire just stood there as if nothing was happening in front of her. "Please Sato, can't you learn to be somewhat peaceful?" Wildfire said.

"You forget that I am the Lord of Battle, Wildfire! I live for fights, and fights only!"

Wildfire pulled her hood down. Her ice blue eyes look at him with sorrow. "I know you are the Lord of Battle, but even Warlords can be a little peaceful." She sighed as she stood there looking at him. Suddenly, the Bubble Shield broke and Wildfire is knocked backward by the strong blow. "You just made a big mistake buster!" she yelled as she launched her next attack.

Sato got knocked down as Wildfire's assault continued. All of a sudden, a dragon swooped in out of nowhere; the dragon caught Wildfire off guard, and knocked her into a tree. The dragon swooped down and landed behind Sato.

"Ahh Froodog, my greatest of friends!" Sato said to the dragon.

Wildfire stood up, brushing off the leaves and healing her wounds. She held out her front paws and the dragon is sucked up by the Earth for all eternity.

"How'd you do that!?!" Sato asked Wildfire.

"I'm an Elemental mage, Earth is my specialty," said Wildfire.

"No, no, that was in-pet like! How'd you learn that!?!"

"Wouldn't you'd like to know!" said Wildfire, as she blasted Sato with a gigantic rock.

"That's it! I'm tired of fighting you without my powers! You are far stronger than I expected!"

After Sato said this, purple rain began to fall on only him. "Sutra Hudga!" said Sato. The purple rain coated him like a suit of armor. Then, Sato took off his helm. According to the legend, no one has seen Sato's face and lived to tell about it. Sato's face was scarred and cut.

"So, you'd trust me with your face you haven't shown in years?" Wildfire said, smiling.

"Well, you're not alone. I haven't shown my face in years either. Well, ever since I left home. I left home because my owner didn't want to have me battle. Ever since the Battledome opened up a few years ago, she had kept me at home 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. She had never let me near the Battledome. But she didn't understand that fighting was in my blood, and I tried to train but with no avail. Finally, my owner abandoned me at the pound. After two years without an adoption, I escaped to this forest from Neopia and trained for the rest or my life. Only going back to Neopia for food and to use Neopoints I found on the ground so I could buy new weapons."

Tears rolled down her cheeks, but she didn't make a sound. Wildfire thought of the hard times when she had no family or friends, to rely on.

Wildfire started to cry softly, "Even Lupes have soft sides…" she said. "I was also disliked by my owner. My owner did not want me to fight in the Battledome. I escaped while I was less than two months old. I just wanted to fight it is my life, and all I live for. So, after escaping my owner, I wandered Neopia looking for someone or something to hold onto. So finally, after wandering through this endless forest for months, I found a shrine, the shrine of the Dark Faerie. It was written in stone on the shrine that whoever wears the armor will be blessed by the Dark Faerie with astonishing powers. Power, the one thing I did not have. Power was the one thing I needed. So I took the armor and put it on. And then, I set out to face the world. AARRRGGG!!!WHAT'S HAPPPENNNIIIGGG TTTOOOOOOO MMEEE????? I must battle, I must destroy!"

A tear trickled down his cheek. Suddenly, lightning raced through him. I looked at him, almost falling out of the tree I was sitting in. Wildfire looked at Sato alarmed.

"What's going on? What's happening!?!"


After about two minutes, the lightning stopped and Sato's mutilated body fell to the ground. I watched as Wildfire rushed over to Sato's body. She took out his Slime Potion and poured some in his mouth. But it had healed him very little, from my point of view. "I-I-I-I'm going to go to sleep now, Wildfire…"

"NO!!! I won't let you..."

Finally, in a desperate attempt to save Sato's life, Wildfire did some sort of life transfer. It healed Sato a bit. But left Wildfire laying there, needing life. Sato was healed so he wouldn't die, but was still pretty weak. Then, I saw Sato staring straight at me. "You, the Scorchio in the tree, go to the magic shop and buy as many magic vials you can. Take the money in my wallet, hurry!!!"

"OK, I will do what you say," I said, hopping down from the tree, heading for the magic shop. I ran down the lane as fast as I could for the magic shop.

Finally, I arrived at the shop. Unfortunately, Kauvara was out of Magic Vials. "Please, Kauvara, I need Magic Vials! There are these two pets in Katzen forest, Wildfire and Sato. They're about to die! Please help me!" I pleaded.

"OK. Let me see. I can heal them but it will take time. Lead the way to them." I ran out of the shop at top speed. Kauvara behind me.

"They're in this clearing up ahead!" I said.

We arrived at the clearing. "There they are!" I pointed to them. Kauvara came over.

"Oh no. This is worse than I thought!" I heard Kauvara say. Kauvara set to work. After about an hour I hid in a tree and got stuck. I couldn't move or talk because a vine was choking me. Finally, Kauvara finished.

"There they should wake up soon. Now where did that Scorchio go? Oh well. I must go back to the shop."

Finally, I saw Sato stand up, then Wildfire. "Wildfire, can you heal my heart?" I heard Sato ask Wildfire.

"I think so, but it might hurt a little."

"I can take it."


Wildfire's eyes glowed a dark red. She then started to float and then a bright yellow light surrounded Wildfire. Then, a big yellow beam of light struck the little Kacheek right where his heart was. Sato was blown backward into a tree.

"AHHHHH!!" Sato yelled. He looked unconscious.

"Sato, are you alive?" Wildfire asked Sato.

"Yes," Sato said.

"Thank you Wildfire."

Then, I saw Sato jump high in the air. And the only thing that fell back to earth was a piece a paper.

"What's this?" Wildfire said as she picked up the piece of paper.

"Wildfire, you truly are a friend."

"I have now left you alone to ponder your thoughts. You have cured me of the Black Soul, but there is still some left in me, I can sense it. I hope we meet again, Sato."

I saw Wildfire smile as she folded it up and put it in her left front boot. "I thought he would never be cured of the Black Soul," she thought out loud.

"I guessed wrong. He is the first to survive it. He is special no doubt. I knew he had some good in him. And once he finds it, it will grow and grow, and then he will learn the true meaning of life."

I struggled to get loose from the tree, but it didn't help. I guess Wildfire saw me because she approached the tree I was stuck in, and called out, "Who's there?"

"Mmpphh." I tried to say Help MEEEE, but I couldn't talk. Finally, Wildfire helped me out of the tree and I ran, I ran and ran as if my life depended on it. And here I am, telling you, a Neopian Times reporter to put this story in the Neopian Times. And that's my story."

The End