
Grand Friendship

by garurumongal

It was a rainy morning, lightning filling the sky, when two Poogles were in a leaky cardboard box in an alley of Neopia. The two Poogles were brother and sister and didn't have a home or an owner. They were snuggled next to each other, for they were trying to keep warm and the box was quite small.

A loud sound of tapping came on top of the box they were in, which was heavy and large drops of rain. A crumpling noise came from the box. It got so moist from the rain that it fell apart and the sides were drooping. The two Poogles whined like two little puppies because they were afraid of the loneliness and sounds of thunder in the sky above. The Poogles were young and their parents had gotten sick from the cold winds because they too had no home and died. The two babies were forced to find someplace to live and have shelter and to learn how to survive without the care of their parents.

Meanwhile, the two Poogles walked around in the alley, hoping to find something to hide in. One of the Poogles just had a smile on his face when he saw a tin container that just might be big enough for the both of them. When the young Poogle walked over to it and poked his head inside it, SLASH! A Wocky had already been inside the tin and slashed at the Poogle's face. The Poogle tumbled backwards and had a cut on his face. The Poogle's sister came running to him, with water dripping down her face that you couldn't tell whether they were tears or just drops of rain. She nudged him with her nose and saw him get up.

They walked out of the alley, heads hanging low. The streets were empty since it was raining, and the sidewalks were slippery. In the sky there were a few Buzz and Korbats flying around, scaring the poor Poogles even more. They sped to the corner of the sidewalk to get away from the scariness of them, but since the sidewalk was slippery, they slipped off the corner and tumbled down a hill, gaining speed every second. CRASH! They thudded into a tree trunk and fell over. The Poogles cried and stayed close to each other It was raining harder than before and thunder crashed about every minute.

They scurried around the trees not knowing what to do. One of the Poogle's ears twitched for a sound was coming from nearby. Both Poogles looked around and saw a shadowy figure standing in front of them. And out stepped a Grarrl. The Grarrl let out a roar and the Poogles ran in separate directions. The Grarrl stomped around angrily shaking the ground trying to find them.

Above the Grarrl one of the Poogles stood shaking in a tree branch, hanging on trying not to slip off. The Grarrl slammed one more foot to the ground and shook the branch. The Poogle let out a yelp and slipped. He shut his eyes and was scared that this might be the end. But then, a strange figure swooped down out of the sky and caught the Poogle on its back. It put the Poogle back up in the tree and swooshed down at the Grarrl. WHAM! The Grarrl fell over and lay on the ground. The thing that caught the Poogle swooped back and flew away again back towards the clouds.

The Poogle gazed up at the sky and then slipped back down the tree. He looked one last time at the Grarrl and ran off to find his sister. Meanwhile, the other Poogle was traveling around a swamp. She looked around shivering from the cold and saw something bubble in the swamp. She bent closer to get a better look. The bubbling stopped and out popped a Nimmo. The Poogle jumped back in surprise and ran away. Mud splattered as the Poogle's little feet padded the ground. Inside, he was crying. Crying of sadness. Then, both Poogles heard a nose ahead of them. They both tried to stop, but they both slid forward. They both saw another Poogle ahead of them and banged heads.

The two Poogles were back together again. They whimpered weakly and tried to climb back up the hill that they tumbled down. But, they couldn't. It was slippery, so they both tumbled back down again. CRACK! A crackle of lightning broke out of the sky and struck a tree branch, setting it aflame. They both thought they were safe because the rain would put the fire out, but it only made the flames sputter.

They were surrounded by trees. Trees that were on fire, that is. They had no place to escape, so they thought they might as well just give up. But then, one of the Poogles got sparked by an ash that flew out from the fire. He cried while the other Poogle tried to help him. They both knew they couldn't give up then. They had to survive and fight nature's cruel way.

One pawed at the ground and motioned at the other Poogle to do it, too. They began to dig a hole under the fire but the ground was too moist and they couldn't go on. Just then, a shadowy figure swopped down out of the sky. It swooshed down into the center of the flames and tossed the two Poogles upon his back. He flapped his wings and lifted them into the air. When they were back in the city, the Poogles were curious and were afraid this creature that saved them would put them back in the alley.

They both fell asleep on the large back of the creature after a long and scary adventure. When they woke up, they found themselves inside of a house on somebody's bed. They lifted their heads up and looked around and heard footsteps coming in from the hall. They hid their heads in the blankets and shivered.

They heard a voice that said, "Oh! You two are so cute! Are you okay? Are you hurt?" The Poogles both looked up and saw a tall girl with long blond hair and green eyes staring at them. They shook their heads no and cocked them, too. The girl smiled at the two Poogles and hugged them tightly. The Poogles looked at each other and had a grin spreading across their face's.

"Do you two have a home?" The girl asked them. They shook their heads no.

"Well then, how would you like it if I adopted you?"

The Poogles smiled brightly and danced up and down.

"I'll take that as a yes then!" She said while giggling. "Hmm... You two need a name. I'll call you...Kaovi! And I'll call you...Poogy!"

Then, a large, familiar looking creature stepped into the room, taking up a lot of space. "Hi Ember! These are my two new NeoPets! I'm so proud of you for saving them. You were very brave to do that. Thank you sooo much!" She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him.

Then she looked back at the Poogles and said, "This is Ember, an Eyrie. He's my other NeoPet and he's the one that rescued you from the fire." Kaovi and Poogy leaped off the bed and rubbed their heads against Ember's legs. Ember grunted and shooed them away. Kaovi and Poogy looked sad. They hung their heads low and walked over to their new owner. They looked up at her with sorrow faces.

"Don't mind him. He's always had a "self-hearted" spirit. He doesn't like anybody else that is new and gets all the attention. Well, you guys must be tired. Come on and we can get something to eat before we go to bed..."

This was the story of how Poogy and Kaovi were found. Their owner, garurumongal, adopted them from the adoption center together. Garurumongal also does own an Eyrie named Ember76 and has two Poogles; one named Kaovi and one named Poogy_100. You can look them up if you want. Please take this story as a lesson to adopt poor, homeless NeoPets in the adoption center, so you can help save lives just like me. Thank you for reading this story. I hoped you enjoyed it!

The End