
When All is Lost

by wick05

Based on a true story

Hello. My name is Wick [05] and my pets are Andrew [_05] and Couger [_05]. We were a great family. We had 10,000 Neopoints in the bank and my pets were never hungry. There is one thing we never really had: Luck. We hardly ever got to help in any projects Neopians were having fun helping with. Our shop was very small and hardly anyone came to it. We only had one NeoCard. When we heard about Mystery Island, we were going to go there, hoping our luck would change. We search for days to get three totems. We finally got them and chose a nice little sailboat. We packed a lot of food, toys, and grooming items into my backpack.

On our way, we noticed our luck had not changed yet. There was a huge storm coming our way. In about fifteen minutes, the waves were sky high. I held Andrew and Couger close so they would not fall out. Just as we thought we would make it, a wave came crashing on our boat and it tipped over. I had lost my grip on my pets.

I began to sink deep down in the ocean. I had woke up to find my self in a beautiful room. I was in a place called Maraqua. The people there were so nice. They fed me and kept me happy. But the whole time I was always asking about my pets.

"Where are Andrew and Couger?" I asked for the second time.

"Don't worry, here they come now," said one of the people. "ANDREW, COUGER! Oh how I missed you," I cried as we were reunited.

We spent a few days in Maraqua when I told them we must leave. They guided me to a submarine and gave me a lot of food and toys, since mine had been lost at sea. I put them into by backpack and waved good-bye as the hatch closed. We took off to Neopia. We didn't have to drive because the Maraquians programmed the ship to take us directly to Neopia. Andrew, Couger, and I played with many toys, watched a few movies, and read a lot of books. When it was time for bed we all went to the back of the sub and slept in our beds. I woke up one morning to find water an inch high in our sub. I immediately grabbed Couger and Andrew and we went to find the leak. When we looked out the window, we found a huge ocean monster. He had a really mean look in his eye. He opened his mouth wide and broke the window in our submarine. Water was pouring in from everywhere. We were going to drown.

The water was pouring in and we had no where to go. Again I held my pets close. They were both in shock. They had gone nuts running around. Couger accidentally hit a button on the control panel and the ship disappeared right under our feet. We were floating in water. Water currents from the ocean monster began twirling us and tossing us all around. I grabbed Couger but could not find Andrew. We began to spin again. I closed my eyes because I was beginning to grow sick. I held Couger closer and closer. Then the currents caused me to pass out.

I woke up on the beach of Neopia. Couger in my arms. I woke him up and we began to search for Andrew. "ANDREW!" yelled Couger. I turned around to see Andrew floating in the water. I swam out there and got him. He lucky began to breathe after I gave him mouth-to-mouth.

"What happened?" he asked.

"I don't know and I don't care, as long as we are home and we are together," I said. We went to the bank to take some money out to buy some new clothes and some food.

"How may I help you sir?" asked the Skeith in the window.

"Yeah, I would like to take 100 Neopoints out my account, it is under wick05," I said.

"Um, that account has no Neopoints in it," he said in sorrow.

"WHAT!" I shouted, "I had more than 10,000 Neopoints in there."

"Well, I am sorry, sometimes this happens," he said. I walked out and told my pets not to worry, we will just have to start from scratch. I just hope we don't starve.

We went to our house and found out that it, luckily, was not gone. We cleaned it up. Got rid of some cobwebs, cleared the dust away, and fell asleep. In the morning played some games and won a lot of Neopoints We bought tons of food, new furniture, new clothes, and new toys. We will continue to play games, work on our store, and build up our bank account. Someday, we will be back to normal. Someday.

The End