
Two Lives Had Changed

by crazybabe61786

“Now have a good time AishaBabe1701 and be careful,” said my mom. How I hated these words. I wasn’t a baby Aisha anymore. I didn’t mind the good time part, but the be careful, it drove me nuts. My mom, CrazyBabe61786, had given me 1000 Neopoints and let me go off into the Marketplace. I had wanted to get some toys and books so when she goes to work in the store or goes shopping without me I won’t be totally bored.

I was strolling through the Marketplace when my good friend, Hawaiian_Puppy was standing in line at the Shop Wizard. I went up to her hoping that she would want to walk around with me. I said to her, “Hey girl, what are you trying to find.”

She replied, “My owner wants me to pick up some Faeries so she can teach the four of us new skills.” I forgot to mention she has 3 siblings, a sister and two brothers.

When we got up to the counter the Wizard said, “I’m sorry girls, but the cheapest Faerie on the market is 3000 Neopoints.”

Talk about expensive, we only had 2500 Neopoints between us. Then I asked him about a boom box in any color. He said, “We have a little shop over in the corner on the far Northwest side that has a rainbow colored boom box for 30 Neopoints.”

We said, “Thank you sir, we are heading over there now.”

We both got on Hawaii’s Super Dooper Scooter and went in that direction. Man, it took a long time and when we got there the shop was really run down. It was only was a size 1 shop. The door was falling off the hinges so we opened it really carefully.

When we got inside there was this really pretty girl trying to put more stuff on the shelves, more then the shop could hold. There was a Kacheek lying on the ground covered in bandages. We asked the lady, “What's wrong with your Kacheek.”

“She's sick, can’t even stand. I think she is dying, but I don’t have the strength or money to take her to the hospital.”

We asked her about a rainbow colored boom box and her face brightened. She exclaimed, “You, are you, please, are you going to, you can’t possibly, want to buy this.”

We found out she had never had a customer because they hated to look of her store. Hawaii and I looked at each other because we wanted to help the girl. She looked very sad and her Kacheek kept looking sicker second after second. We told the girl, “Yes, we want to buy the boom box. We also want to help pay for your Kacheek’s recovery and we will help you take her to the hospital.”

She almost fainted and then she told us her name, “I am BlueGoddessAngel, and this is my Kacheek, BlueAngelGoddess.”

We lifted BlueAngel on to the scooter while BlueGoddess locked the door. We finally got to the hospital and the nurses examined BlueAngel. They said she was in bad shape, but if she stayed in the hospital long enough she would survive. They also said that the whole thing would cost 2000 Neopoints.

BlueGoddess said, “Thank you” to the doctors and mumbled something to us about never being able to repay us.

We told her, “We come from rich families and they would be happy that we helped somebody out and didn’t waste the Neopoints on ourselves.”

We handed over the Neopoints and the doctors took BlueAngel to a room in the back. We also asked BlueGoddess, “Is there anything else you need us to do?”

She said, “Well, I want to stay here with BlueAngel, but I need to keep my shop open.” We told her we would run it until she got back. She gave us the key and we went back to the shop. No one came to the shop except this rich looking kid who said that the shop was too ugly to buy something from. We then decided that we should fix up the shop with our remaining Neopoints.

With the Neopoints we had we paint the shop a shade of light blue and got a carpenter to make a new door. We also expanded the shop to size 10. That night when we went home we didn’t tell our owners what we had done quite yet. We wanted BlueGoddess to know about it first.

The next day we took many of our old toys and books and took them to the shop. We stocked the shop up, then we decided to go to the hospital to see how BlueAngel was doing. When we got there we found BlueGoddess asleep on the couch in the waiting room.

Hawaii woke her up while I found out how BlueAngel was doing. BlueAngel could now go home and I wanted to tell BlueGoddess. When she woke up she asked, “Did anyone buy anything from the shop.”

“No, but some guy came and said the shop was run down.”

She sighed and said “Well, that’s how it will always be. Rundown and size 1.”

To brighten things up we told her that BlueAngel was ready to go home and we would take them home. She said, “Thanks, we live at the shop.”

The doctors brought out BlueAngel and she looked great, bouncing around and telling jokes. She became an instant friend. When we got halfway to the shop the two of them fell asleep on the scooter, they had looked really tired.

We got to the shop and woke the two of them up. The first thing out of BlueGoddess’s mouth was, “This isn’t our shop. Very funny.”

“We fixed it up for you after that guy was talking bad about it. We also took our old toys and books to put in the shop. Do you like it?”

She was crying now and said between tears, “You did this for us, but what did I do to you. I don’t know how to thank you.”

“You don’t have to pay us back, we made new friends in the act and that’s all that matters.”

A reporter from the Neopian Times arrived and wanted to get the story for the news.

When we got home that night our owners were beaming proudly and told us that we made them so happy that we didn’t use all the Neopoints for ourselves and helped out somebody.

About six months later we had a knock on our door, it was BlueGoddess and BlueAngel. They had just won the lottery and received 1 million Neopoints. They had bought paintbrushes and PetPets for all of us, including Hawaii’s brothers and sisters. BlueGoddess said, “We probably would have died if it wasn’t for you and now that we are rich, I have repaid you. I still want to be friends though.” The two of us laughed and sat down to eat.

The End