
The Editorial:

The Editorial section has changed. To make it more useful to everybody we have decided to take the most frequently asked questions we receive each week here so you can get a thorough answer straight away from one of the creators of NeoPets. Here are the most frequently asked questions NeoPets support received this week:

1 - Help, my NeoPet has been turned into another species what do I do?
If you have fed your NeoPet a morphing potion, zapped them with the lab ray or let them play with any suspicious looking dolls, your NeoPet may have been transformed. The only way you can change it back to its original form is to give it another morphing potion. For example if your blue Lupe has changed into a red Poogle, you need to give it a blue Lupe morphing potion to restore it. A red Lupe morphing potion will turn your NeoPet into a red Lupe.

2 - How do I create a NeoHome? ?
To create a NeoHome, go to 'Pet Central' and click on the NeoHome link.

3 - Can I change my username?
I am afraid not. When you create an account, choose your username wisely as you will have it forever :)

4 - I want to have another NeoPet, do I have to create a new one?
No, you could always visit the Neopian Pound. Here you will find hundreds of loyal NeoPets waiting for a good home. 5 - How do I get a NeoBadge?
NeoBadges are small versions of your NeoPets that you can put in your shop or on your Web pages. To get your very own NeoBadge and to learn more about them, click here!

6 - I see people with central heating, wallpaper, and security systems, but when I go to the extensions in my NeoHome I only see carpet and lighting. Why is this?
The different types of extensions that you can get for your NeoHome depends on how big it is. The larger your NeoHome, the more options become available. 7 - Can you rename your NeoPets?
No, I am afraid once a NeoPet is created it keeps that name for its entire life, even if you have adopted the NeoPet from the pound.

8 - How do I get my guild in the Neopian Times?
If you want your guild to appear on the Neopian Times, simply submit a little piece about your guild to NeopianTimes@neopets.com along with your username. Try to make your text interesting and original, the best entries get their guild listed on the front cover of the Neopian Times each Friday.

Need more help?
If you have a question that you think should be answered here e-mail it to editor@neopets.com. The most common ones will be shown here next week.