
Vol 2 Issue 52 | Neopia's Finest News Source | 13th day of Eating, Yr 3

Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked NeoPet questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of NeoPets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Will this ever stop?

Well two more people were found murdered at the ski lodge this week! Do you know who the murderer is? Click here to Play.

The Neo-Market Report

A number of Tech Stocks are continuing to take some serious hits. Get the gossip here!

New Game!

There is a great new game in town, check it out here.

Guild Spotlight

Since it was Shoyru Day a while back, we thought it would be cool to let you know about this Shoyru lovin' group of people. The Shoyru Lovers Guild is the place to be if you love your little winged friend. And the guild has a pretty interesting contest going on which involves a pretty big purse of Neopoints.

Neopia can be pretty confusing sometimes, and hey, there should be a place for all you little confused people to go, right? Well, how about the ?Confusion? Guild? There slogan is: You live in a world of insanity. We live in a world of applesauce. Interesting.

Wow! If you are completely obsessed with the game, then this is the guild for you and all your pets! The Wonderful, Outstanding and Worthy Pets Guild loves getting new members and having them take an active part in the guild's activities. Currently, they have several positions open and also have many, many ongoing contests.

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