
The Neopian Job Market

by DMentia

Can you make NP off of the Faerie Job Agency? Absolutely! Will you get rich overnight? Nope :) But you can make NP on a rather steady basis and that's never a bad thing. The first time you go there, it might be confusing - but spend half an hour and you'll get the hang of it. You can get to the agency by clicking EXPLORE on the left hand menu in NeoPets, then click "FAERIELAND" and once you're there, click to enter the city - the agency is right in the middle!

If you have a job coupon, you can use them by clicking the "super jobs" - if you don't think click "basic jobs".

WHAT: These are the items you have to get and how many of them. They can be anywhere from two to six.

TIME: When you've gotta get back and return the items (if you have a slow connection, searching and buying 6 items in one minute isn't a good job to take. Remember NP sometimes slows down and lags during the busy hours or your connection can drop.) Make sure you check with the Neopian clock (located on the front page of NeoPets.com).

BASE PRICE: How much you'll get back if you finish your job on time! If you finish your job quickly, like within a couple of minutes, you get a bonus that can be up to 40% of the base pay. If you decide you want the job, click "apply for this job" and if it's still open, you'll get it. If you don't, try again for another job. When you do get one that you want, go out and get them, and return to the job market and click "status", scroll down to your active pet and click under "current job" - then click "return items".

If you get the right number and items, you get paid! If you don't get your items back on time, it goes down on your record as "failed job" - if you decide you don't want a job, you can choose that too but you loose 200 NPs in the process.

KNOW YOUR PRICES: As I'm writing this, gifts such as boxes, chocolates, balloons and pocket calendars are pretty cheap. Most of the food (basics from the main food shop, chocolates, bakery, coffee shop) clothes (bandanas), makeup and gardening plants also make good jobs and you'll receive a decent profit if you complete them. Trading cards are a bit difficult as those prices have been rising quite a bit, expensive items like furniture and faeries rarely give you any profit.

STOCK UP: If you're going to do jobs for say, like an hour - try buying your items before hand. Certain things show up each cycle sometimes - like flowers, pocket calendars or chocolates. Do a couple of jobs, see what's "popular" and in demand on the job market and stock up a couple while you're waiting for the next batch of jobs to come up. If you already have those items ready, when you click a job it'll see your items and let you complete the job in 0 minutes and 0 seconds! And you'll have time to find another job - jobs tend to disappear after one or two minutes. I tend to stock up on milkshakes, burgers and baby food as I can always sell them if I don't find a job that wants them or feed them to my pets.

FASTER TIMES: Try opening two windows, one with the job agency page and the other on your search wizard. When the first jobs show up - click "next 10" or "end" and look at the jobs there. Apply for a job and use the other window to buy the items for your current job (or check prices). Once you have them, go to the first window and click to give your items.

On the other hand, you can NOT work in the job market, but keep an eye for the most common items that are being asked. You can then stock up on those items and gamble on selling them to those who are in the job agency. Most of the time, people need to get multiples of items. So if they need six vanilla milkshakes and you have them in your shop for maybe 5 NP more than the cheapest store, then there's a good chance they go straight to your store so they don't have to shop and make their time limit! This is pretty fast paced though because you'd have to keep your store constantly stocked, eventually - people may just come straight to your store because they know you have the items!

Good luck to everyone :) Just don't run over my lil Zyya too hard when you're climbing up those ranks!