
Trading Kard Kraziness!!!!

by Raikisuu

I just wanna say that I'm TRADING CARD CRAZY! My Owner bought a NeoDeck, and then she bought Nikai the Wise for it. Ever since that moment, I've been spending all my allowance on buying trading cards and upgrading a few weaklings. But not EVERYONE is as crazy over trading cards as I am. WHY NOT?! Don't you people realise the true greatness of Trading cards? The Saving countless day's winnings of Kikomatch, Kacheek Seek and Meerca Chase just so I might one day have an Osceanio in my deck? If you don't, something must have messed with your head.

It only costs 100 NP to get a NeoDeck, and after that it's as easy as riding a bike downhill. There's only room for one NeoCard though, so you can upgrade to fit in another one for 20 NP (Then 50 NP, Then 100 NP, etc.). After you have room for Four or Five Trading Cards, there's only one Setback: You don't HAVE any Trading Cards to put in your NeoDeck! Well, whip out that list of Good Shops and start visiting. You can also use the Shop Wizard, but the Cards are usually gone by the time you get there. And if a card still is there, it probably has an outrageous price. The Trading Card Shop is a Good place to look, but it only sells Very Common, (Blue) Common, (Red) and occasionally the Quite Rare (Green).

What happens if you check the Spoiler and you spot a card you REALLY like, but you can't find it anywhere? Well that probably means that there is a Limited Amount of them in Neopia. If you can't live without it, Check what color the back of the card is. Blue=Very Common, Red=Common, Pink=Uncommon, Purple=Rare, Green=Quite Rare, Black=Very Rare and Gold is Amazingly Rare. Then, you have to get a card with the same color backing, and it is kind of like the card you want. Example: You want Deodar the Tree Wocky (So what if it's Very Common!). Try getting Mako the Forest Pixee. They both are Girl Wockys, and Hang out in the trees pulling pranks. Sometimes people liked the other card better, the one relatively close to the one you want. Plus they are the same Rarity. NOW what you do is go to the Trading Post once it reopens, Search for "Deodar the Tree Wocky" in the Search, and make an offer to someone.

One Setback of Trading Cards is that they sometimes don't tell you what species the card is in the description or name. Once I was trying to find cards for my Deck, in a different account of mine, for my deck called Long_Live_The_Cute! Where I pick out cute cards for my deck. I wasn't sure what species the card was, but I bought it anyway because it was cheap. Turns out it was a Nimmo. No offense to all of the Nimmos and Nimmo owners in the world, but they weren't my definition of "Cute." I'm not saying they look ugly, I'm saying "Cute" is Little-Furry-Baby-Animal kind of cute. And frankly, Boxing Gloves sets it out (Though I AM adding Nimmos to one of my decks :) ) Here is a Simple little guide that has the many ways to get a Trading Card.

1. Buy one with Shop Wizard.
2. Buy straight from the source: The Trading Card Shop. (One Day a month they're 1/2 price)
3. Make an offer at the Trading Post.
4. Do a Quest for the Snow Faerie or that Maraquan Chef. I'd say the Snow Faerie is a tad better because she gives you NP, and 2 (estimate) Items, not one like the Chef. The Snow Faerie quests tend to get more pricey as you go along though. I've gotten June Sun Rose and Army Elephante from the Snow Faerie, and I didn't have to do Millions of quests to get them either. The Maraquan Chef asks for Rare Food Items, and gives you a Rare item in return. (One of mine was laughing grenade)
5. You might find one as a "Something has happened!"
6. You might win one from a game...(I think)

Okay. You're probably wondering when I'm going to Shut Up and go home, so I'm only going to say one more thing. Some good cards for Beginners to the TC are Deodar the Tree Wocky, Tymora Icewind (Wocky) , Mysteria (Aisha) (THIS SCREAMS UPGRADE), Serenity (Aisha) Aphrodite (Aisha) Artimitica the Huntress, (UPGRADE ME)(Aisha) Agent the War Wocky, Parallel the Gelert, Moonfae (Aisha) Waquite the Air Goddess (Wocky) Nikai the Wise (Aisha) Matron, (Gelert) Korena the Space Aisha and Leighsha (Aisha). Okay, most of them were Aishas, that's because One of my decks had an Aishan theme. There are Bunches of other good cards out there, like Lupes, (Lotsa those!) Kacheeks, Usuls and Chias. There is at least one good card for every species, ya just gotta find them!

Well, now you are properly educated on the fine art of Collecting, Get out there and build that NeoDeck! Don't wait for the actual game to come out, (expected around May 2001) build one early!!!