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You're Not the Only One!

by amber89

This story was inspired by "Rewards" by Volcanica_Kougra and "You'll Get What's Coming to Ya" by Kwake.

Princess was a beautiful Faerie Poogle, who went to Faerieland High School. She wasn't very bright, but she wasn't dumb either. All of the boys wanted to be her boyfriend, but she was taken by a Faerie Kougra, whom she treated evilly. She had many friends, but they didn't like her for her, because she was rude, snotty, and self-centered. They only liked her because she could give them instant popularity and was rich, though she would never let anyone else be in her spotlight, she was also a lot like Arabella and Gwenivere, the Unis, they were her old best friends, until Gwen got turned into a Kiko and Ara was no longer "in" with the "in-crowd." Now Princess was in charge of the school, and everything was going her way.

At lunch, Princess, of course, started a fit in the middle of the lunch room, giving her the attention.

"So, Nick, are you going to Macy's party on Friday?" Princess asked Nick, who was a young, handsome, silver Shoyru.

"Um, I think I have plans. Besides, why don't you go with your boyfriend?" Nick said back.

In an instant, Princess burst out in tears until Nick finally said that he would go to the party with her. Everyone looked at Princess.

"WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?!?" Princess shrieked.

When they wouldn't stop staring, she screamed again.

"YOU PEOPLE ARE SO EVIL!!" She screamed.

They all rolled their eyes and went back to eating.

They walked back to class together, Princess trying to flirt with Nick, but not being successful.

"Did anyone ever tell you that your fur is amazing?" Princess said.

"Um, whatever." Nick said right before they walked into class.

Princess sat right behind him, and no one sat next to him, but Princess dearly wanted that seat.

"Hi, Nick!" Princess said.

'Gosh, could she be more annoying?' Nick asked himself.

"Class," Mrs. Quincy said, who was a very tall rainbow Quiggle, "We have a new student here who will be coming in a week-"

"Well, she can't be prettier or more popular than I am!" Princess said aloud.

No one said anything for a while, until Mrs. Quincy began to talk again.

"She is from Mystery Island and is a very nice Gold Shoyru. Her name is Shimmer, please, I want you to all be nice to her."

Princess rolled her eyes.

At the party on Friday, Nick paid no attention to Princess, instead he stayed with his friends and told them about how Princess was cheating on her boyfriend, who just so happened to be his best friend, but he wasn't invited to the party.

"Come on Nick, don't you want to dance?" Princess asked him eagerly.

"Not with you." Nick said, as all of the boys snickered and all of the girls gasped.

"Well," she started, "Well, maybe I'm too good for you then!"

"Well, at least I'm not a spoiled brat!" he said back to her.

A week came and went, the spotlight was taken off of Princess for once and put on Nick, in reality, everyone hated Princess but Nick was the only one to be able to stand up to her. After the week was over though, no one remembered and Princess was the self-appointed queen of Faerieland High School.

"Class," Mrs. Quincy started.

"What do you want, you old lizard!" Princess spat. She was in a very sour mood because her boyfriend, Strength, dumped her that day after Nick told him how she was cheating on him. Her Flosset jumped into her hands and spat at her.

Mrs. Quincy, however, ignored her and went on.

"Shimmer is coming in ten minutes, and I want you all to be very nice to her."

"Yea, sure," The whole class mumbled.

"Why should I when I could be getting a tan?" Princess said rudely.

All of her followers, fans, and admirers nodded. In case you didn't know, Princess was a very pale lavender Poogle

Just then Shimmer walked into the classroom. She smiled and said, "Hi, I'm Shimmer and I'm from Mystery Island."

She looked very different than all of the other golden Shoryus, her fur was slightly darker and had more shimmer, in other words, she had a beautiful golden tan.

"Hello Shimmer, I am Mrs. Quincy and I will be your new teacher for the year." Mrs. Quincy said, holding out her paw.

"Hello Mrs. Quincy." Shimmer said, and they shook hands.

"Please, sit next to Nick, the silver Shoyru." Mrs. Quincy said.

In an instant, there was fire in Princess's eyes.


"Young lady, you now have a detention and you must sit in the back of the room!" Mrs. Quincy said.

She cried silently, rude as she might be, she never had a detention before. As she walked to the back of the room, she saw Nick and Shimmer talking.

"So, are you going to the dance in June?" Nick asked Shimmer.

"Not yet I'm not, it's only May!" Shimmer said, smiling a perfect gentle smile.

"Cool, uh, do you wanna go to the dance with me?" Nick asked.

"NOOO!!" Princess screamed.

"Um, sure, I'd love it" Shimmer said.

"Cool." Nick said, "Uh, maybe you want to go out for some ice cream after school?"

"Sure!" Shimmer said, "Okay, you're going to think I'm really weird for saying this, but my favorite ice cream is a Thorn Cream Cone!"

"Really? Same here!"

"That's really cool, do you know how to surf?" Shimmer asked.

"Er, no."

"I could teach you if you want, on Saturday?"

"That would be awesome!"

"STOP IT!" Princess screamed at the top of her lungs.

"YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO LIKE ME, NOT THAT (Right here Princess called Shimmer something very rude that I am not supposed to say!) SO STOP IT!!!!!!!" She continued screaming.

"Listen, Queenie, you're not the only one anymore! Face it, we've all had it up to here with you trying to act like you own the school!" Nick said.

"YEA! Go Nick!" Everyone screamed.

"Okay, you guys haven't even given me a chance to explain why I was such a brat!" Princess said.

"I was just trying to get everyone's attention, do you forgive me?" She said.

They all thought for a moment.

"NO!!!" They all screamed at the same time.

"Remember when you cheated me?"

"Remember when you stole from me?"

"Remember when you hurt me?"

"We're not going to forgive you for that!"

She ran away, never to be seen again. Shimmer and Nick have loved each other very dearly, and they did make the cutest couple!

The End