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Freeing of the Faeries

Once upon a time, in a land called Neopia, there was a little Shoyru named Tarkento...

by whiskpaws

Who Will Love Me Now, Who Could Love Me?

Now I’m here looking out into the world with all its wonderful paintbrushes and codestones and I am forced to laugh at the mere cruelty of it all.

by merlin775

Mizu and the Koi - A Story from Koi Tales

Who is Mizu, you ask? Mizu was the Uber-Water Faerie.

by leslie_83

You're Not the Only One!

Princess was a beautiful Faerie Poogle, who went to Faerieland High School. She wasn't very bright, but she wasn't dumb either.

by amber89


Hello my name is Outcast, and I live up to my name as I am an outcast...

by Smarties65

The Little Puppyblew That Could

Oh! Don't be a scaredy-cat!

by Angel_clear

Spectre's Secret

Chuffer Bob the Meerca sighed. He knew he couldn't win even one game of Cheat!.

by inpartial

The Swamp Ghoul Invasion

It was an exceptionally warm day in Neopia when the Swamp Ghouls came...

by chickchasez

This is Life

Chias love to smile. It's a fact of life.

by plaid_fuzzle

The Way to Train

I can remember those days when I was a little baby blue Aisha...

by TanzaniteSerpent and Kerilita the Aisha

Influence of Usukis

...I had been aimlessly browsing through the mildly arranged shops, when I saw her sweet Poogle eyes glue to the window display of the nearby Toy Store...

by Muffy113, a Poogle