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by Smarties65

Hello my name is Outcast, and I live up to my name as I am an outcast. No longer the favourite pet of my owner, no longer dressed in beautiful clothes, no longer to win her battles and no longer to be loved. I am just your common Eyrie, not a limited edition. My owner created me when she first started on NeoPets, we had so much fun and were best friends. I loved her and she loved me or that was what I thought... A new pet had been released, it was a Poogle. Their sad little eyes no one could resist and soon I was following my owner to the Create a Pet sign. I have to admit I was looking forward to having a little sister or brother and we laughed together all the way there.

Her name was Pretty_Flower and we took her home as she slept in my owner's arms. It was tea time and so I poked her with my beak to wake her up but my owner shouted at me for the first time in our happy lives!

"Outcast leave her alone, you'll scare the pretty thing to death if she sees you!" I laughed as I thought it was a joke but she glared at me and I drooped my head and went to my room.

There I laid crying, it was the first time my owner had called me ugly. I had a mask like marking over my eyes, my coat was dull and grey but I thought my owner had loved me for what was inside and now she had shouted at me. I quickly dried my tears and shouted at myself, I was being stupid right?

Every pet needs to be shouted at otherwise they get spoilt but I was a different Eyrie I knew not an average blue, yellow, green or red but grey. I went downstairs and my owner smiled and said she was sorry. I felt so relieved that I ran and gave her a hug, she stroked my head and said, "You will always my my special pet no matter how many pets I get!" I sighed, life was bliss until Pretty_Flower crawled in saying I had woken her up with my laughing.

My owner shouted at me and gave pretty_flower a hug whilst I looked on in vain. I knew my owner was lying, I wasn't her special pet anymore. All I could do was wrong and nothing else, but it was like whenever pretty_flower was around (who I despised) she would always ignore me but when she wasn't around I was top pet! Well even that wasn't going to last! A few months later Pretty_flower was painted Faerie! I couldn't believe it! I was still my ugly self and I wanted to be painted purple which wasn't half as expensive as Faerie but now I was ignored. Always hungry and always told off. Pretty_Flower knew this and so got me into more trouble by telling lies to my owner who believed everyone of them! All you heard was:

"Outcast go to your room!" or "Outcast how dare you!" or "Outcast you are going to bed with no tea!"or my owner's favourite, "Outcast why can't you be more like pretty_Flower in every way!"

Well now you know the whole story, I am at the moment in my room which is in the cellar, pretty_Flower got moved into mine and her room is now her play room! I am depressed and worried, who knows what will happen next! The pound sign flashed into my head and I began to sleep into an uneasy dream.

The next morning I woke up to hear my owner shouting my name, I got up and stretched and went to see what was happening. Pretty_Flower was smirking and my owner was at the table getting 80 NPs out of her purse, I screeched and knew it was the pound but pretty_Flower ran after me, she was very fast as she had been to the training school many many times and was one of the best fighters in Neopia! She caught me and I was thrown into the car.

All my owner said to me was, "I'm sorry Outcast but you are not my special pet anymore, I have moved on with Pretty_Flower!"

I cried and cried all the way. The Uni there looked at me sympathetically and said, "Come on you will get adopted soon!" I sighed and watched my owner and Pretty_flower pay the 80 NPs and run out smiling.

The Techo showed me to my cage and walked off grumbling about low pay but I was to upset to think about anything at that moment. I looked at my only possession which was my watch, it was 7:00 P.M., my owner would be having tea with Pretty_Flower. I sighed, even though my owner had been cruel I just couldn't forget what we were before Pretty_Flower, we were a family just me and her but I knew it was never ever to be again.

I fell asleep and when I awoke an awful smell wafted around my cage, it was a small bowel of vegetable with a little bit of omelette on the side, I hate it all up and it was disgusting but my hunger was still not satisfied. I gazed at all the cages, all of them were full, pets came in and out of here every minute 24 hours a day. I made friends with a Mutant Techo but even he got snapped up and taken to a home, his stats were amazing! But there was nothing good about me except my heart, which was ready to love anybody.


Months past and still no one wanted me, people glanced in and made a disgusted face. I made many friends but all went to new homes over time. I was going to be a pound pet forever, I will be the laughing stock of Neopia! My owner would tell the whole world about how I was horrible and she was to ashamed of me to keep me. I sighed (I sighed a lot in this place) and for the hundredth time wished oh how I wished that just maybe someone would take me but for the hundredth time nothing happened.

The next day I was eating my breakfast when I girl with no pets waked in, she was king looking and even when I saw her I knew she was the owner for me but she looked at all the other cages and liked the look of a little Shoyru with big blue eyes. She came round to my cage and looked at me, my face was pale, my ribs stick out, but it wasn't what was on the outside she saw it was the inside and she knew my heart was broken, she smiled but carried on going and walked out of the pound.

A week past and I gave up hope of her ever coming back but she did and she looked worried I heard her say, "He's still here, please let him be here I have got everything ready for him!" she gabbled. The Uni smiled and said, "Yes the little dear is still here and longing for a home, I think he liked the look of you for he is always asking if you have come back!"

My hear pounded, did she mean me or the Shoyru No the Shoyru had gone it must be me. They were approaching and I couldn't help but let out a screech! She smiled and said, "Come with me little one, finally everything is ready for you!" the cage opened and I ran out and gave her a hug, I didn't let go and she laughed and so did I.

I proudly left the pound with my owner by my side stroking my head. I was loved for the second time in my life I was loved.

You will always be my special pet!" she said and I knew I just knew this was true.

We arrived home and she showed my a room, it was my bedroom, toys covered it and posters were pinned up all over the walls. But on the bed was a paintbrush, it was purple. I hugged her again and we ran to the rainbow pool chatting all the way. I was transformed into a sleek purple Eyrie and I was happy!

We were best friends! I was fed the most delicious food, my favourite was an ice Negg! I never saw my owner again but I was sure I saw Pretty_Flower still my owners favourite as she was soaring the sky as happy as can be but news was pout that the Chomby had been released, how long was their friendship going to last? I didn't know and didn't care, all I cared about was my owner and how I was loved. I knew she would never abandon me, I knew it and she did too!

The End