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Influence of Usukis

by Muffy113, a Poogle

It was a bright sunny day in Neopia, the perfect day for shopping. My daughter, Sunshine__pup and I had been aimlessly browsing through the mildly arranged shops, when I saw her sweet Poogle eyes glue to the window display of the nearby Toy Store. "Yikes," I murmured to myself as I walked over to her, "Another hopeless fad I suppose."

"Ooh, mommy, mommy take a look mommy! I NEED one of those!" I shook my head, and smiled to myself as I peeked into the window display. What I saw at first alarmed me, and then another teasing grin approached my face. I saw, miniature Usuls with loads of make-up or funny costumes on. I noted the large sign next to them:


Then it went on to explain about them. "Ha," I said to myself. Usuki dolls? Who had ever heard of them? I could see the hopeless expression on my daughter's face, and knew instantly that she would not get over this until she had one. "Sunshine, dear, they're just a FAD- that's what we adults call them, honey...a FAD."

She looked questioningly at me, and I explained, in a very well chosen vocabulary, the idea of Supply and Demand, and fads. "When they first come out, everyone wants one. Then, as more and more are made, and more people have them, nobody wants them, and on it goes to the next big product. You know it will just end up in your closet by the end of this week. I am sorry Sunshine, but the answer is 'no'."

She pouted, and looked up me with her best impression of sad, puppy dog eyes, and I couldn't stand it.

"Fine," I said. "We will look, but if you get one, it better not end up a toy you never play with." She smiled, and led me into the toy store. We were greeted by a tall slender Lupe, and when we questioned about the dolls, he shook his head.

"Sorry, Ma'am, we're all out. Just sold a whole bunch to some crazy lookin' feller. He just left." My daughter was on the bridge of tears, so I asked him one more time.

"Can we reserve one or something? My daughter is hooked!" He shook his head. "Not 'nless you want to wait another, what, like eight weeks?" my daughter shook her head, and we thanked the Lupe and walked out.

"I'm sorry, hun," was all I could say.

We walked along the paved roads, back to our home. A few hours later, Sunshine__pup's best friend, Princess_Angel_Bunny came hopping by. She was a sweet Usul, with no intention of showing off, but that day she did. Her mother had gotten her a new Usuki Doll (preteen, as she told me), and was showing off all it's features to Sunshine.

"WOW, Angel, your mom is so cool! She bought you a new doll? When?" Shunshine inquired. By then I felt pretty bad, but hey, I didn't have control over it, right?

"Ooh, can I PLEASE see her?"

"Sure," Angel said handing the doll over to Sunshine. Sunshine gazed at it with her bright eyes, and looked up at me. I walked into the room, and said brightly and chipper: "Well, Angel you must have gone EARLY to get one of those dolls." She nodded.

"Well, mum got it for me while I was asleep, so I guess either late into the night or early morning..." She took the doll back from Sunshine__Pup and gently brushed the dolls hair with her new doll comb. "I have to be very careful with it. It's very special and in Top Mint Condition," she said importantly. I knew the dolls meant something to Sunshine, but I never thought she would stoop so low as to what happened next...

The next day, we got yet another visit from Angel. This time, her face was tear stained, and her bright yellow ears were all flopped over. "My-my doll!' she stuttered. "It-s g-g-one!" She sat down to sob. I called for sunshine to come down and comfort her, but she was right behind me.

Yeah, mom?" she asked smiling. "Hun, Angel's doll is missing. D'you think she may have left it here yesterday?"

"I don't know," Sunshine answered, "she was down here the whole if her doll isn't down here, I dunno where it would be." I sighed. "Angel, I will look one more time, Hun Sunshine stay down here."

I went to search in every room, even the bathroom. I was surprised when I finally found Sunshine's closet, carefully hidden under all her grooming supplies and clothes. I picked the doll up and carried it tenderly downstairs. I eyed Sunshine as if to say, "We will talk later" and handed it gingerly to a very happy Usul. She thanked me and left, and I closed the door behind her.

"Sunshine, do you have something you want to say to me?" I asked her.

She shook her head. I got a little angry, but decided to keep my 'cool' for as long as I could. "Hun, you took that from her didn't you? I found it hidden in your closet."

Tears filled her eyes, and still she shook her head. This time I grew impatient. "Mommy, I didn't take her stupid doll! I have my OWN." I looked questioningly at her. "I got it yesterday, when you were out. A package came for me, and I opened it. It was from daddy, and he sent me an Usuki doll and a letter."

I bit my bottom lip. Her father's name was Dorel998, a loving and caring green Poogle His owner and him moved out of Neopia a while ago. He left us, and hasn't really been in touch. I smiled. "All right, I believe you, if you let me see the letter." A while later she ran up to her room and handed me the letter. It was short, but sweet.

Dear Sunshine__Pup,
I am sorry I haven't been in touch lately. It is hard to Neomail someone when you don't live in Neopia Please try to contact me too. I heard about the new craze in Neopia; those Usuki dolls. I decided to buy you one, figuring you were always with the fads of the year. Tell mom I said hi. I miss you, and will hopefully see you soon.

Love you,

My heart broke at the letter, but I finally decided to believe her. Angel called later on and said she had found her doll, and returned Sunshine__Pup with her doll. As I said, it has been around five days since she got the doll, and she hasn't let it out of her site yet. But I guess that's just the influence of Usukis.

The End