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Surviving the Lair of the Beast - An Interview with a Survivor

by Angelzbabe13

"It was a regular morning in the Tyrannian Plateau. I was going out to get some breakfast for my family when I heard a loud moaning sound coming from the cave near by, I decided to ignore it until later on. Later on in the evening, I heard the sound again, this time louder and louder until I couldn't bear it anymore. I followed it, followed the sound until I reached it... the Lair of the Beast, " said a nervous witness who said that he saw the beast itself.

"What happened next?" I said to him, trying to calm him down.

"It was incredibly scary, what happened next… I went into the cave, I heard no sound, none at all... just a drip of water from the ceiling. My heart was throbbing, it was beating fast, I came closer and closer until I reached a dead end... at least I thought it was a dead end. I started to head back, started to go to the exit... when I heard the sound again the loud moaning sound, I screamed in pain as it throbbed in my head and I then saw it... the BEAST... and a beast it was! It was as big as my NeoHome, except twice its size, claws as big as tables and eyes glaring at me, staring at me, it had wings, wings that could wrap the whole cave in. It looked like a bird... but it was a beast all right, the teeth were not only huge but sharp, yes so sharp that it could've chopped off my head right there," he said, trembling with fear while sipping on his hot chocolate.

"There, there, calm down, you're all right now, tell us what happened next," I said, trying to comfort him.

"What happened next was any man's reflex, I RAN I ran for my life, I ran from the sight of the beast I ran.... I wasn't that lucky at first. It had saw me before, it came after me, it got so near that I can hear it breathe... I gave it a huge slam with my bat that I had with me. It calmed down a bit but it still came after me, I screamed for help but that wouldn't have helped me. I continued running and by the time I got to the exit, I was so worn out that my clothing was ripped into pieces and I had no breath in me, nor water," he said as he sipped again on his hot chocolate.

"Oh my, what an experience… I hope you're all right now."

"I'm OK now, but it haunts me everyday. After I got out my family came and rescued me, they carried me to the Neopian Hospital where I had to stay five nights before I recovered. They told me that the beast was an urban legend and was told to everyone that no one survived when they went into the cave, I was the first out of all those men to survive," he said, sorta proud but not really.

"At least that's a good effect of this horrible incident," I said to him.

*Notice: This interview was spoken in Tyrannian and translated by me so that everyone can read it. Also that the pet that experienced this is fine now and taken care of by the Neopian Caring Association (N.C.A.).