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The Behemoth: Part Four

Lusajn, you'll pay for your crimes. Yavn, hold my hand.

by Gundampanzer

Barely Breathing: Part Two

The pain was gone and she felt light and floating...

by kiwifruit487

The Castle of Resurrection: Part Seven

Rain was drumming heavily on the attic of the tower and for few moments the room was put in bright light by the lightning.

by phifi

The Camping Trip: Part Four

I was getting tired and was almost sleeping where I was sitting in the tree when the snap of a twig jerked me fully awake.

by lynx and Elleni, my pet Shoyru

Conquering Faerie Evil: Part Two

She's here, but she doesn't really want to see anyone...

by umbreon_of_the_moon

The Snowager Caves Exploit: Part Five

We came all the way here to look for Yorick, we shouldn’t just back out now.

by foreverme_88

The Four Points of Evil: Part Three

"Woah!" We all screamed as we dodged the beam. "This is crazy!" Nick screamed.

by Bluuguy

Lost in the Middle of Nowhere: Part Four

So we slept again, with all three of us under my leather jacket...

by Littlejoy

Lupina Returns: Part Six

But through it all, she caught sight of Sloth standing in the back, his evil laugh ringing over the battleground.

by thegreatlupelover

Every Carnival is Better Than the Neggst: Part Five

Why did you knock the Negg out of my hand? It tasted so good...

by Pyphracket

Neopian Cuisine: Part Three

Today, we are broadcasting live from the Neopian Bakery...

by juicybubbles

Nothing is What it Seems: Part Four

"Ohh my…" Wild_K's eyes widened, "That's what I call a loyal, but wrong, pet… How sweet."

by Wild_K

Puntuli's Chronicles: Part Three

As I started to walk in, I heard a slight noise of something zooming overhead.

by Asrman1

Revenge: Part Two

Ambreeze lowers himself and lets Nicolna on his back and he flies over the vast body of water he's flying over...

by Gzusgirl

The Spy Contract: Part Two

Common sense tells me that anything that calls itself 'Hidden' and has this kind of fence doesn't have quite the same atmosphere as a meeting of Neoholics Anonymous.

by Eugenitor