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Neopian Cuisine: Part Three

by juicybubbles

Click here to see how this story started!

"Welcome once again to Neopian Cuisine! I'm your host, as always, Calianja the Acara!" Today, we have a special treat for you! Today, we are broadcasting live from the Neopian Bakery, and the Breadmaster will be showing us how to make some of his favorite sandwiches! Hello Breadmaster, it's a pleasure to be here today!"

"Hi Calianja, it's a pleasure having you here today. Today I will show you how to make my special tuna for a Tuna Sub and I will share what actually goes into a Super Sub!"

"That sounds great Breadmaster! Let's get started shall we?"

"OK, let's get started. We will start off with the Super Sub. This is what actually goes into one sub:

3 Slices Deli Ham
3 Slices Deli Turkey
2 Slices Salami
2 Slices Bologna of your choice
3 Slices White American or Cheddar Cheese
2 Large Lettuce Leaves, cleaned
1 Medium Tomato, sliced
1 Medium Onion, finely chopped
2 Tablespoons Mayonnaise
Foot Long Loaf French Bread

Cut your bread about 3/4 the way down and open it up, making sure it stays together. Spread your Mayonnaise on one side of the bread. Put your Ham and salami on the same side as the Mayonnaise on the either side, put the Turkey, Bologna, and Cheese. In the middle, put the lettuce, tomato, then onions on in that order. Close the Sandwich. There you go! It's a Super Sub!"

"Breadmaster, that sounds great! May I taste it?"

"Of course, Calianja."

"Oh, this is great, thank you! Now, after this commercial break, we will hear the Breadmaster's secret Tuna recipe! We'll be right back!"

After Commercial Break....

"And we're back at the Neopian Bakery with the head baker, Breadmaster! OK, now I understand that you will share your secret tuna recipe with us won't you Breadmaster?"

"Yes, Calianja, that's correct!" Shall we get started?"

"Yes, of course!"

"OK, for the tuna for one sub, you will need:

1 can Tuna Fish in Spring Water
2 Tablespoons Mayonnaise
1 Tablespoon Relish
1/2 Teaspoon Salt
1/2 Teaspoon Pepper

All you Have to do is mix all these ingredients together in a medium mixing bowl. For one Tuna Sub you will need:

Tuna Mixture
2 Lettuce Leaves, Cleaned
1 Medium Tomato, Sliced
Foot Long Loaf of French Bread

You want to cut the bread completely in half first of all. Then on the bottom half, spread the tuna, the put the Tomatoes and then the Lettuce on top of that. On the Top half of the bread, spread the Mayonnaise, then put the two halves together. There's your Tuna Sub!"

"Thank you Breadmaster for being on our show today. I'm sorry, but we're out of time for today folks. I'd like to thank Neopia fresh Foods, Health frog, and, again, Breadmaster for providing our ingredients. I'd also like to thank you for tuning in to this episode of Neopian Cuisine! This is Calianja the Acara saying Good-bye and Thank You!"

Next Week: Fajita Chips and a very yummy Cheese and Onion Omlette! And a very, very special treat.