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Surviving the Lair of the Beast - An Interview with a Survivor

It was a regular morning in the Tyrannian Plateau. I was going out to get some breakfast for my family when I heard a loud moaning sound...

by Angelzbabe13

Pyramids-The Best New Game

Pyramids is the newest game in Neopia, and I think it is one of the best ever!

by puppiesrule122

Down with Usukis

Hello everyone I'm cyndaquail and today I'm taking on the challenge of interviewing Ms. Usukiroo.

by Cyndaquail

The Truth Behind Earning More Neopoints

Previous articles have told one where to go to get NP and items, but not what you can get...

by gmoonshadow

Taking Care of Your Gelert, Koi, Grundo, Uni, or Pteri

First of all, not all Grundos are Neopets, and of course not all Neopets are Grundos, but why aren't all Grundos NeoPets?

by epk

Player's Guide: Ice Cream Factory

Learn how to play this awesome game from a Grand Master...

by partygurl9

Live Free in Neopia

Well, here it is...a simple guide on how to eat, play, and live in Neopia without spending a dime.

by WillyJL1

Tired of Your Pet Losing in the Battledome

I sure was, until I started taking action...

by CatLoverCG

Neggs: Food Source, Power Source and Source of Frustration

A COMPLETE list of these boggling items (hopefully!)

by LittleLysshu

Catch that Meerca! An Idiot-Proof Guide to Meerca Chase

Everyone knows about that fast, you better concentrate, I'm a Negg stealer game known as Meerca Chase.

by AliceWeazley

How To Have a NeoPets Filled Summer

You are going away on vacation and your parents just won't spring for the laptop with cable connection...

by queenofquests

Plushie Collecting: A Fun Way to Become Poor

I’m writing this article to convey my feelings and thoughts on Plushie Collectors...

by lightning_chik

The Poor For a Week Project

I've decided to do something that most people experience everyday, or that some of have experienced, and would like to forget.

by buttercupppg

Why You Shouldn't Leave Your Pet in the Pound

If you walk over to Pet Central, and take a look at the Neopian Pound, what you see might shock you...

by blaze550

Interview with Quinton the Health Food Quiggle

...I am going to have an interview with the friendly Quiggle who works at the health food store in Neopia Central! How are you doing today, Mr. Quiggle?

by buurin

Surviving the Battledome: An Interview with the Battle Faerie

Hello, my name is Megaman_and_Roll. I had an exclusive interview with the Battle Faerie for tips to give the Neopians.

by megaman_and_roll

What Happened to Terror Mountain?

...I am here in hope that this guide may show Neopians how fun Terror Mountain really is.

by mmmstrawberry


Are you jealous of all you fellow Neopians who have trophies while you don’t?

by carlo_valbuena

The Neo-Market Report

Joining our hosts this week will be Nahkmos the Grarrl, shopkeeper of The Lost Desert Food Shop.

by stereolab