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Live Free in Neopia

by WillyJL1

Well, here it is...a simple guide on how to eat, play, and live in Neopia without spending a dime.


1) The Giant Omelette - Don't underestimate this place. I can feed my three pets forever and ever at this spot. They'll never go hungry... well, if I'm in town.

2) The Soup Kitchen - Going to be out of town a few days? Broke? Get your pets bloated here. (If you qualify for the Soup Kitchen, grab an omelette anyway... sell it.) Just make sure you don't have too many NPs or you can't eat.

3) Qool Auctions - Well, it's a free sign-up, and while the auctions are fierce, you might walk away with a tasty bite for your NeoPet to eat.


1) Flash Games - There's a million of 'em out there. Play all you want, and you'll generally be ahead. I can recommend Meerca Chase and Pyramids, but don't forget some of the old standbys like Chia Bingo and Jubjub Blackjack.

2) Theme Parks - Several shop owners have set up theme parks where everything is free. Find them, and take advantage of 'em.


1) Healing Springs - This spot could fit into any category. Here, you can heal all your pets from the Battledome, get a few potions, and get 'em fed on occasion. Essentially, it's the ultimate free ride.

2) Offers - Certain offers can be profitable (like ones giving Nerkmids, Tombola coins, etc.)

3) Bitten Apples - In the main food shop, there are items that are placed at prices like 2 NP. Know that all the items in the main shops can be knocked down about 3 NP, more with a discount card. Thus, you can get the item for free.

4) Discount Cards - As in the case before, it wouldn't be unheard of to get the discount on an item down to 3 NP, then scoop it up for nothing. It could theoretically happen.

Well, that's my simple guide to getting the Neopian free ride. Until the next time NeoPets puts out some amazingly great place...