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Interview with Quinton the Health Food Quiggle

by buurin

Buurin: Hello, I am a reporter for the Neopian Times and today I am going to have an interview with the friendly Quiggle who works at the health food store in Neopia Central! How are you doing today, Mr. Quiggle?

Quiggle: I am very well. Please call me Quinton. Thank you for arranging this interview with me. I wanted a chance to tell all of Neopia about myself and my products!

Buurin: It's my pleasure. Now, Quinton, what gave you the idea to open up a store that specialized in healthy foods? That's quite a unique idea, as one would think that the candy store or the bakery would be a more popular idea.

Quiggle: Well, it all started when I was a little tadpole in Maraqua, growing up with my mother, father, and eleven siblings. There was never enough to eat since there was so many of us. But the Kitchen Chef always had leftover scraps to give us, and every night she would give us chocolate. It tasted wonderful, but after a month or so of this, we all got horribly sick and fat! Our lovely shade of green turned into a sickly pale green and our eyes became red and bloodshot. Around this time, I made friends with a Koi who sold Utility Fish in Maraqua. Every day for his lunch, the Koi had broccoli and an apple. One day, he wasn't hungry, so he said I could finish his lunch. And as soon as I tasted it, that was it for me! I suddenly felt one hundred times better! That's how I came up with my love for fruits and vegetables and decided to share that love with the world by opening a health food store!

Buurin: Does your Health Food Store have many customers? Or do you find that most people want to feed their pets chocolates and cakes?

Quiggle: My store, just like the other food stores in Neopia Central, always has a lot of customers. There are those Neopians who choose to fill their pets with unhealthy sweets, and there are those who prefer to keep their pets healthy, wealthy, and wise with my apples, bananas, and carrots.

Buurin: Is there any animosity between you and the Kacheek at the bakery or the Kiko at the candy store? Or any of the other food store owners? Since you're in competition and all.

Quiggle: Not at all. The Blumaroo who works at the pizza place and I often team up to make vegetable pizzas! He makes the pizza, I add the toppings. Same with the Hubert at the hot dog place, he makes the dogs and I add the yummy vegetable toppings. And even the Kiko at the candy store and I have a deal, every Halloween we make caramel apples together! I add the apples, and he adds the caramel. You see, fruits and vegetables are needed for all aspects of food and life.

Buurin: Is your store made of a real piece of broccoli, or is it just plastic? I know that's a silly question, but I always wanted to know...

Quiggle: You'd be surprised at how many people ask that same question. Well, the truth is, it's made of plastic. If it were real broccoli, all the Buzzes would be flying around and chomping on it.

Buurin: I have one more question for you, Quinton. Why do you always wear that cute Veg button, and where can I get one?? I speak for us all when I say it's the most fashionable thing I've ever seen! I have no idea where you can get one. It was given to me as a gift and it changed my life.

Quiggle: [laughs] We all have to have our secrets, Buurin.

Buurin: Well, that concludes this interview! Thanks for talking to us, Quinton, and I'd like to tell everyone in Neopia to buy from this friendly Quiggle's store! His products will keep your pet healthy and happy for years to come!