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Tired of Your Pet Losing in the Battledome

by CatLoverCG

I sure was, until I started taking action. My pets may not be in the knockout league, and they might not win 100% of their battles, but now I've (almost) figured out how to raise my pets' chances in the Battledome! These 5 tips ought to help any regular Joes (like myself) whose pets might need a few 'pepper-uppers'.

1) Go to the Healing Springs as much as possible! This usually restores your pets' hit points (hp) and feeds them. Or, it could raise their hp. (I've gotten 8 hp raised in one try so far) As we all know, level doesn't exactly matter, as long as you have a knockout hp. A level 1 pet could beat a level 13 if the level 13 pet had 38 hp and the level 1 had 50.

2) Go to the Training School as much as possible! Yes, I know the price of codestones has skyrocketed, but if you have a friend who has a lot of extras and will trade you, or you find a cheap buy in the Marketplace, get it ASAP. During my own crusades of supply and demand, I've seen prices that are extremely low snatched in less than a second. Be quick with the mouse.

3) Play Cheat! You get a lot of NP for this, meaning you can get more weapons, more healing potions, more food, etc. If you're a quick thinker and have a good memory, chances are you'll be pretty good at Cheat!. You also get battlecards, which really help your chances of winning.

4) Go to the Giant Omelette as much as possible! Even if your pets are bloated, there's no telling when the prices of food will skyrocket again, as they did in the past. A little extra food in your deposit box for when you can't buy any for less than 50 NP is really helpful. The best thing about it is that it can feed three pets at once!

5) If your hp are low, and an extremely powerful pet challenges you, you don't have to take it! Don't worry, you're not gonna get your account frozen if a pet with 50 hp challenges your 17 hp pet and you don't take the challenge. I've heard stories of people with high-hp pets that threaten lower-hp pets, saying if they don't accept the high-hp pet owner will report them. There is no way this can happen, since you have your say. The NeoPet Team is fair, and they will not freeze you just because someone said you withdrew. They'll need proof.

Good luck in the Battledome everyone!