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Surviving the Battledome: An Interview with the Battle Faerie

by megaman_and_roll

Hello, my name is Megaman_and_Roll. I had an exclusive interview with the Battle Faerie for tips to give the Neopians. The following is our interview, word for word. (M_a_R= Megaman_and_Roll, B.F= Battle Faerie).

I entered the Battledome, just in time to see the Battle Faerie rush past. I stopped her.

M_a_R: Excuse me, Ms. Battle Faerie. I am from the NBR Neopian Battle Report news center. Can you answer a few questions?

B.F: OK, but make this quick. I'm booked solid today.

M_a_R: Very well. First off, how do you feel about the Battledome?

B.F: I love it. It gives pets a better workout than Grundo's Gym, and it shows off your pet.

M_a_R: Do you have any tips on how to survive in here?

B.F: Sure. I always see those Mega pets that all Neopians are wanting so badly. I have to say that if you want your pet to be like that, it will take months of training. I don't know how many times I have to say this, but face it: It will NOT happen overnight.

M_a_R: I see. My Pteri, who I call Liberty Crusader, asked me to ask you if you recommend any weapons. So do you?

B.F: Oh, yes. You can't go wrong with Snowballs. The Mega weapons like the Rainbow Frost cannon are expensive, but worth it.

M_a_R: I mean what types of weapons?

B.F: Frost cannons are good. Snowballs are pretty good, but they can only be used once, and sometimes it's difficult to find a good deal for them. A MUST is that you get a Scorchstone. They are very expensive, but are well worth it. Lightning Beams and wands are good, to.

M_a_R: Are there any cheaper weapons that do a lot of damage?

B.F: The Forest sling is only around 6000...

M_a_R: Only?

B.F: Maybe not, but here is a tip: A lot of cheap weapons can overcome one strong one. When you do save up enough, however, I suggest getting a Scorchstone and a Faerie Weapon of some kind. I recommend the Staff of the Earth Faerie.

M_a_R: One more question: If you save up a LOT, what is the most powerful weapon in the Neopian world?

B.F: Well, the Faerie Queen sells a lot of very powerful weapons in her shop, but there are two problems. #1, you have to find her Hidden Tower, and #2 weapons range from 250,000 NPs to over 6,000,000 NPs If you do ever get enough, I say get the Greater Staff of the Earth Faerie or the Wand of Supernova. It costs more than most Neopians can afford, but the results are worth it!

M_a_R: Well, thank you, Ms. Battle Faerie. You've been great, but I'm sure there are lots of Neopians eager to fight and lose to you.

B.F: *Grins* My pleasure.

Then, the Battle Faerie ran to fight a Blumaroo. I hope this interview with the Queen of the Battledome has taught you some things or two or three. Until next time, buh-bye!