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The Behemoth: Part Four

by Gundampanzer

Click here to see how this story started!

The Angel Within & The Final Battle

"Yavn and Elci... they are.. both gifted...." Brad said in awe.

Yavn said, "I didn't do anything.. Elci is the gifted one..."

Elci then said, as in a trance,"Lusajn, you'll pay for your crimes. Yavn, hold my hand."

"Cool....." Yavn said, blushing.

"Don't get your hopes up. I just need to share your energy. Although..."

"No... the Silver Destroyers.... they are merging their energy..." Lusajn said, backing up.

A great orb of light started glowing from the area where Yavn and Elci's hands met. The orb grew bigger, surrounding the city with searing light powerful enough to open up the gates to heaven. Brad had to cover his eyes and hold Zulu's head up at the same time.

"Zulu... don't worry... look, look at Elci, she's gonna get him... oh for the love of god, say something..." Brad muttered.

"Yavn... now, release it!" Elci yelled. A shot of light flew out of the orb straight towards Lusajn. It left a huge bubble of light around him. When the light vanished, Lusajn fell to the floor. Then some other light sealed the cut on Zulu's face and revived her.

"Zulu... they did it... they got him..."

Zulu softly said, "Fantastic... it's over...." Her head collapsed in Brad's hands. She was obviously exhausted. Yavn and Elci flew down to Brad.

Elci said, "Let her rest. She was cut across the face by an eight foot long falchion, you know."

"I know Ecli." Brad put her head down, and went over to Lasujn. Lasujn started to mutter something.

"Heheheh... you may have destroyed me... but Behemoth will come and get you! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" Lasujn then vanished in a flicker of light.

"Behemoth? What did he mean by...." The earth started to shutter. A crack formed in the ground, and a deep red glow radiated. And then... an enormous dragon flew out of it.



"Behemoth? What is Behemoth?" Yavn asked.

"Lusajn mentioned it just before he left us.... Behemoth is the enemy." Behemoth roared. It must've been 80 feet tall....

Elci fell to the floor and wept. "I've never been so scared in my life. How can we beat this thing?"

"We'll try..." Yavn muttered."We'll try..."

Behemoth started scorching buildings in the distance.

"We gotta hurry... or there won't be anything to save!" Brad yelled.

Zulu raised her head. It appeared she was awake the whole time, she was just resting. "Brad... help me up..." Brad lifted her up by her arm. "Brad... I wanna fight to."

"I won't say you can't. You wouldn't listen. Have Elci fly you around, I'll have Yavn bring me up. You're up for it, right Yavn?"


"And I'll fly around with Zulu!"

"Great! We're not gonna let him win. Zulu, Elci, Yavn, suit up!" Brad grabbed Yavn's arm, and Zulu grabbed Elci's, and they flew towards Behemoth.

"Uh... Brad.... what do we do when we get to Behemoth?" Zulu asked.

"I am gonna slice his head open."

"Uh... good plan..."

"And... Yavn and Elci are gonna do that little light thingy again if they wanna see the sun come up tomorrow."

"We'll do it!" Yavn said.

"We don't have a choice, Yavn."

"Yavn, swing me over to Behemoth's head. Elci, do that to Zulu to. Don't ask any questions."

They followed Brad's directions, and Brad and Zulu landed on Behemoth. Behemoth swung it's head wildly, but was interrupted by Brad's stabs.

"Zulu, you can start stabbing any time you want now!"

"Oh yeah. Sorry, Brad."

"Come on Yavn, Elci, do it!"

Yavn yelled, "But you'll get hit too!"

"Do it!" Zulu yelled.

Yavn and Elci put their hands together, and the light radius began to glow again. The light shot out, straight towards Brad and Zulu.

"Brad, what do we do?"

"Stay here. We won't be hurt. Hey Yavn, get ready to pick us up!"

"Can do!"

"The light hit Behemoth's head... and Brad and Zulu. Behemoth collapsed, but Brad and Zulu were not hurt at all.

"Brad, why are we still alive?"

"Light only slays darkness. Now, come get us!"

Yavn and Elci flew down, and picked Brad and Zulu up....


"That seems so long ago. But it was only 2 weeks ago. Me and Brad make a great team. And heck, I just like being with Elci. Things are almost restored..... let's hope nothing so evil ever happens again."

The End