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The Four Points of Evil: Part Three

by Bluuguy

Click here to see how this story started!

"It''s Mechazilla!!!" I screamed in horror.

"Target Locked," the Robot said then his eyes became red. Just then he shot two large lasers out of his eyes!

"Woah!" We all screamed as we dodged the beam. "This is crazy!" Nick screamed.

"Sonic boom," Mechazilla said in a mechanic voice then shot unbearable sound waves out of his chest plate.

"AHHHHH! That sound....I can't stand it" Nick said in pain.

"No!" Steve screamed.

"EEEEEEEEEEHHHHH!" I yelled and fell to the floor. Then suddenly the noise stopped. Mechazilla started making clanking noises.

"What happened?" Steve wondered. Then Mechazilla made some more clanking noises and his chest plate opened. There sat two huge missiles.

"I... I wonder what he's gonna do with that" Nick said

"Take a guess!" I said scared.

"Aim!" Mechazilla said.

"This looks bad," said Steve worried.

"Wait!!! I have an idea!" I said excited.

"Target locked," Mechazilla said. Then I pulled out my rod of supernova. I shot a weak blast at the back of the missiles.

"It's working!" I yelled. Then the back of the missiles melted with Mechazilla.

"System cancel!" Mechazilla said but it wasn't fast enough! The missiles exploded right on Mechazilla.

"Yes!" we said excitedly. "If It's gonna be that easy these evil guys will be gone in no time!" Nick said. The portal we came in reopened.

"Woah!" we yelled as we were sucked in. This time we appeared in the Ice Caves.

"Great. What do we do now?" Nick said.

"Well... think of the prophecy!" I said confused. "Wait! A Greedy beast made of pure ice."

"The Snowager!" we all screamed at once. We were right next to the cave too.

"I'll get him!" Nick yelled and ran in the cave.

"NOOOOO!" I yelled "Don't go alone!" but it was to late. We ran after him. And there was the Snowager, awake, holding Nick by his tail.

"HELP!" Nick yelled.

"RAAWWWWW!" the Snowager yelled and fired a huge ice blast at Nick.

"NOOOOOOOO!" I yelled.

"He's too strong. We won't win!" Steve tried to convince me. But I wouldn't listen. There I watched as my best friend was destroyed.

"NOOOOoooo...." Nick said as he was destroyed. Then the Snowager starred strait at us.

The anger surged through my body,"YOU ANIMAL!!!" I screamed in anger, "You will PAY for what you have done!" Then I leaped at him with tears in my eyes. I charged up a huge fireball. I put all my energy into it.

"You made a BIG mistake pal!" I screamed and launched the fire blast at the Snowager.

"AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRR!" The Snowager screamed as I watched steam come up from his huge body. Then I tackled him through a wall.

"Hehhhh," I breathed deeply. "Let's go"

"Wait! You're half dead! Take a rest!" said Steve. Just then the portal that took us to all these places zapped me and I felt as good as new.

"Huh..." I said.

"Well, I guess we're ready now," Steve said and walked in the portal. I followed slowly.

To be continued...