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Every Carnival is Better Than the Neggst: Part Five

by Pyphracket

Click here to see how this story started!

Sanando ran into the infirmary where a kind Elephante nurse was finished checking on Sythin's cuts. Besides a few minor cuts and bruises, Sythin seemed fine, so the nurse left to attend other patients. However, he still clutched the happiness Negg and was taking a few bites out of it every once in a while. Noticing a small piece of yellow hanging off the Negg, Sanando glimpsed a patch of purple and yellow stripes! Suddenly it hit him, "It will leave you a changed NeoPet." Of course, the sign was meaning these evil Neggs!

"No!" Sanando shouted. Dashing forward he sent the Negg flying from Sythin's grasp and it bounced an skittered along the floor before stopping beside the trash can. "How much of that Negg have you eaten and since when?" the Techo bellowed, shaking the Korbat roughly.

"Wh..What?" Sythin stammered, "Only a quarter of it and I got it about five minutes ago from a kind Faerie."

"Oh no! How do you feel?" Sanando asked nervously.

"Well, fine! A little sick to my stomach, but fine. Why did you knock the Negg out of my hand? It tasted so good," Sythin wondered, stepping easily onto the floor from the bed and walking over to the Negg

"Don't touch that Negg!"

"Why?" Sythin picked up the Negg

"It's evil! It will transform you into a monster!" Walking over and staring slightly up into Sythin's eyes, Sanando took the Negg from Sythin's large paws. "Errr...Sythin, when did your hands get so big?"

"What?" Sythin looked at his hands, "You're right! In fact, why am I looking down at you? I'm used to looking up at your delicious neck." Sythin licked his lips.

"Oh no! You're transforming too!" Sanando backed away, "You didn't eat the whole Negg so it's taking longer. It's the Negg Faerie! She disguised the Neggs that transformed you. See?" Sanando took off the shell of the Negg, "It's only a shell!"

"The only thing I see is the tasty morsel of a Techo neck in front of me," Sythin grinned baring his now foot long fangs. Stepping forward he closed in on Sanando. Sanando, fearing for his life, turned and ran out the door. "Come back, Sanando, I just want to have you for lunch. Not as companionship though. As the main course!" Bursting out the door, Sythin flexed his huge bulging muscles and his wings flew outwards to a wingspan of almost seven metres! Swooping upwards, higher into the cave, he searched from the sky for his green Techo friend.

Mingling with a crowd of Lupes and Chias all rushing around a figure, Sanando started to make his way back to the Negghouse. Suddenly, he wondered why he was surrounded by Neggs Oh no! The Evil Negg Faerie was handing out free Neggs to all the NeoPets! Breaking into a run, Sanando knocked Neggs out of NeoPets hands, much to their displeasure, and ran toward the Negghouse at full speed...

Bursting into the shed, Sanando surveyed the room and found the cages exactly as they were before, except for one thing. The cloth on the last cage was pushed up on one side. Ignoring the other caged NeoPets, Sanando threw up the cloth on the last cage and found the old Negg Faerie in her ragged green dress, skinny and pale and finishing off the last bits of a green Negg with purple spots. Looking up, she automatically shrank back in fear. Then realising that it wasn't the Negg Faerie she whispered, "I shouldn't have. I know I shouldn't have, but I was so hungry..." She lapsed into silence for a moment.

"I will free you, " Sanando offered.

"NO!" She rasped, "I will be safer to the rest of Neopia in this cage. There's no telling what will happen when I -" she buckled over in a burst of pain and anguish. Crying out in pain, she clutched her middle and tears poured down her face. With her last effort, her hand glowed gold and inside it two small golden Neggs formed. "Feed...any mutants you can...plant one...use other." Then she passed out on the floor of her cage. Taking the small Neggs quickly from her grasp, Sanando backed away from the cage. Splintering wood and flames filled the air as a fiery Negg burst through the doorway and the Evil Negg Faerie stepped in with Sythin looming behind her like an obedient pet.

"So, you've discovered my plan! No matter, you will become one of my obedient pets too. Your friend seems to like it," the Negg Faerie cackled.

"Mistress. The old Negg Faerie is she okay?" Sythin boomed sadly.

"No, Sythin. I do not want her to be okay," the Evil Negg Faerie turned, irritated, to Sythin.

"But she lies on the floor. Why?"

"What? She does?" the Faerie turned curiously, "Why so she does. She has finally given in to her hunger. I imagine she'll transform any moment now as her Negg powers will suppress it for awhile. My Neggs are too powerful for her though! She shall become my slave!" As if on whim, the good Negg Faerie's body convulsed. Her legs shortened, her head stretched into a long, thin strand and her faces features were nowhere to be seen. The nose, eyes, and mouth had become a smooth pink surface in a stalk above her body, which had swelled in size as her legs disappeared into her hips. Arms folding around her body, the arms turned bright pink and red, while her dress ripped to shreds. The old Negg Faerie's mutant body stopped moving - her transformation was complete.

"Ha ha! How appropriate," the Evil Negg Faerie chuckled as she leaned in to inspect the old Negg Faerie, "a sweetheart Negg" She chuckled again, "The old flakey Negg Faerie became a sweetheart Negg!" Breaking out into plain evil cackling, the Evil Negg Faerie clutched her sides as she fell to her knees laughing. Sythin, confused, walked closer and stood next to her. Obviously ordered not to touch Sanando until the order was given, he kept eyeing Sanando and licking his lips. Her fit of laughter over, the Evil Negg Faerie stood up and stared coldly into Sanando's eyes.

"Now to deal with you. That's easy," she turned away, "Sythin, go to it. I have to give out more Neggs!" The Negg Faerie left the room and Sythin turned to Sanando, grinning with those large fangs of his.

"Uh...Hi, Sythin! Remember me?" Sanando stuttered. "Best friends, remember?" Sythin thought for a moment then shook his head, the Neggs seemed to also affect his intelligence. "I have a treat for you," Sanando nervously offered. Sythin nodded and pointed at Sanando. "No. Not me, silly! A Negg!" Sythin's eyes brightened considerably at the prospect of getting a Negg Holding out one of the small golden Neggs in one of his shaky hands, Sanando offered the Negg to Sythin. Carefully reaching out, as if not to break the Negg, Sythin took the Negg and swallowed it whole. Looking back at Sanando, unchanged, Sythin looked expectantly for more to be offered. "er...Sorry, pal. That's all I got!" Sanando shakily stated. Why wasn't it working? Sythin frowned - not a good sign. It should have taken effect by now. Letting out a roar, Sythin bounded on top of Sanando and knocked him to the floor. Baring his half-foot long teeth, Sythin prepared to take a big bite out of his Techo friend. Sanando braced for the feeling of pain at his neck and felt none. Sythin, his original size, sat on Sanando's stomach and smiled.

"Let's go save the rest of the pets. I'm not blind you know. I saw that Negg in your hand. Let's plant it."

"How'd you know I should plant it?" Sanando asked curiously.

"What else do you do with Neggs? Poison them?" Sythin chuckled.

Walking into the green house, the Evil Negg Faerie was nowhere to be found.

The gold Negg grew almost instantly and produced a bush full of small golden Neggs Grabbing as many as they could, Sythin and Sanando ran outside. "I know that as a mutant I craved only two things. Killing and Neggs Any transformed creature will most likely eat these Neggs easily!" Finding the carnival filled with NeoPets writhing on the ground and others attacking the closest thing in sight, Sanando and Sythin quickly distributed Neggs However, rounding a corner they came across the Evil Negg Faerie once again.

"No, you fools!" she cried, "My pets! No! I'll get you! I will! Dr Sloth said I would get a whole army of pets! Now you've gone and ruined it!" Throwing a burning Negg at them, she flew up into the air and flew out the hole in the top of the cave. The flames just barely missed Sythin and Sanando, but at least the Negg Faerie was gone - for now. Sythin turned to Sanando.

"Of course, that explains it! That sign at the entrance has been bugging me for awhile."


"Silly Land Of Total Happiness! Take the first letter of each word! It's an acronym for SLOTH! Dr. Sloth was behind this after all!" Sythin frowned, "That means we haven't heard the last of him yet."

"Yes, but let's not worry about him," Sanando said, putting his arm around Sythin's shoulder and leading him toward the exit of the cave, "as we have a nice big cup of Earl Grey Tea - or a Happiness Negg"

"I don't want to hear the word Negg for at least a month!" Sythin grumped, "If I do, I think I'm going to be sick."

The End