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The Snowager Caves Exploit: Part Five

by foreverme_88

Click here to see how this story started!

The Sterlin’s Stone

“What is it?” asked Kevin excitedly.

“It is something magical, young adventurers,” Lupin said. “But it is of no use to me now. It can only be of use to you young people.” He paused, perhaps for effect. “The Sterlin’s Stone,” he said, everyone’s eyes on him, “can bring lost NeoPets adventurers back to where you came from. Back to where you officially started the adventure. Back to a place you are familiar with.”

There was silence.

“And – and you’re going to give it to us, aren’t you?” said Crystalle incredulously.

“Crystalle!” cried Spell.

Lupin smiled. “Yes, I am,” he said. “You have more use for it than I, because I have no intention of going back up to the surface. I prefer it here. And, besides, Foyanne might come, so I wouldn’t wait out the rest of my life in vain anyway. Here,” he said, pressing a small, smooth pebble into Spell’s paw, “is the Sterlin’s Stone. Use it wisely. It can only be used once.”

“But,” said Spell incredulously, “but – why don’t you want it? You- you are really sure you don’t want to go back up again?”

Lupin smiled and shook his head firmly, his eyes showing a tinge of sadness. “I have no more use for it,” he said. “Use it wisely. It can only be used once. Oh, and by the way, I think you should go after that poor Pteri,” he said. “He went through that hole there.” He pointed to a tiny hole somewhere at the bottom of the walls. He gave them one last nod, then walked away out of sight.

“Oh wow,” said Kevin.

“Cool,” said Spell.

“So what do we do now?” G2 asked. “Head back?”

Spell sighed. “I know what you guys are thinking of,” she said. “All of you here want to go back home. But do you think that isn’t what I want too? You’re thinking, now we have the Sterlin’s Stone, it’d be so easy to get back. But that’s the wrong way of thinking. We came all the way here to look for Yorick, we shouldn’t just back out now. Besides, if we don’t find Yorick, there are still lots of other NeoPets that wandered in and got lost. We should rescue them. Besides, we have the Sterlin’s Stone. So if we do get lost, we’ll get home anyway.” She faced them with a challenging look. “So let’s get down there,” she said, pointing to the hole in the wall.

No one else said anything for a moment. Finally G2 spoke. “Yeah, let’s get to the hole,” he said. “Spell is right. We came all the way here to look for Yorick, we should not back out now.”

“I’m with you,” said Kevin.

Spell raised her eyebrows at Crystalle.

“But – but…” Crystalle said. “What happens if – if… oh okay!” She stamped her hoof. “All right. I’m with you all. If you insist. Fine.” She stomped off toward the tiny hole.

“Is she always like that?” asked G2. What a holy terror.”

“No, she isn’t,” Spell said. “But her temper always gets the better of her. And she does love throwing tantrums.”

They followed Crystalle to the hole, and cried out in dismay. The hole was barely large enough for Kevin to enter.

“Oh, what are we going to do now? See, Spell, I told you it was a bad idea to set out looking for Yorick in the first place!” she cried, and lashed out at the hole with her hoof.

Instantly there was a low rumbling. A crack traveled from the wall to the large hole. The hole seemed to expand before their very eyes. It was just big enough for Crystalle to go in.

“Crystalle!” Kevin cried. “You saved the day!”

The End