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The Castle of Resurrection: Part Seven

by phifi

Click here to see how this story started!

A Dark Secret

Antanie went on to read the diary. Quite some pages were missing now and the other ones had gotten wet so it was even more difficult to read them. Rain was drumming heavily on the attic of the tower and for few moments the room was put in bright light by the lightning. Ati wished that the thunderstorm would pass by soon:

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Hard to believe, but Mike's implants really did it!!! Firecy's body is nearly completely recovered and I think in about one or two weeks we can release him from his crystal 'prison'. Gosh, what a luck, I had feared I could lose him... I also went on with programming my moneybag but no results so far.

Today Mike showed me the new implants. I like especially the ocular-thingy, it should be of great advantage for Firecy. So I permitted Mike to install more implants. Hmm, though I do not like how they are looking, I am slowly beginning to like them. Borrow Mike the Time Dice so he can work quicker. hihihi...

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Firecy is becoming great, and I really mean great. The new pneumatic system increased the power of his left arm and leg at least 170 % I worked again for quite some time on the moneybag but still it won't work, what am I doing wrong?

Mike this idiot !!! What a foul does one has to be for losing such a treasure? I was close to destroying him today when he told me he had lost the Time Dice... I always knew he was a bit dimwitted but this is like so dashed stupid. For his own sake I wish he finds it back before someone else does, other wise I will throw him out. And this time he will not have the dice to turn back time and get it straight. Foul.

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What a big surprise! When I came to the lab this morning, Mike stood there grinning. I just wanted to whip the grin out of his face when he handed me the moneybag It is working now !!! Obviously, he worked straight through the night to get it working and calm me down with it. Well, he succeed. Tomorrow I will go shopping and get some artifacts from the hidden tower. Good good good, and no one is going to notice it. Firecy is all right, he just has to stay inside the crystal column for some more time to fully recover. He will certainly pleased when I show him his new equipment.

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The Faerie Queen herself sold me the artifacts. What a simple-minded fellow she is... just got around twenty million Points out of the moneybag and bought one of each artifact and she did not even wonder where I had gotten all the money from. Hihihi, thanks to Mike, he really did a good job. I think the Faerie Queen does not care about where the money she gets came from, she is only interested in making profit.

Firecy is out again !!! Wow, this was so nice to finally release him from his crystal prison. He could not remember what had happened, but he also did not mind the implants. Better, he even said that his new eye was brilliant. He was also satisfied...

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... with the new weapons. Tomorrow we will do a little practise session and see which ones are best.

Unbelievable, but many of the weapons from the tower are either breakable or much to weak. The crystal boomerang shattered, the bombaberry bag did heal enough, the bent fork is as useless as the stone hourglass and even the rod of supernova broker after using it twenty-seven times. What cheap quality, he had expected a bit more. The only thing that is really useful is the tornado ring. It heals its wearer well and can take away the opponents' weapons. Still, I will talk with Mike if we cannot program some better ones ourselves.

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...the sword of the dark fire is almost finished! Mike might have crazy ideas now and than, but this one was just brilliant. A weapon which not only beats any opponent but also erases their program-code and whipes them out of Neopia... wonderful, perfect, hope it works.

The sword is just amazing. Firecy tested it today and he just loves it. Besides the effect of 'removing' the opponent for 'some time' it also makes a great show when used. Hihihihi, our first victim shall be the pant devil. Removing it from the game should give us great acceptance among the other users.

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The main-house was hit by a lightning bolt today. I suspect the Light Faerie of doing this. It is her luck that Firecy is still not strong enough, otherwise I would have send him to visit her. Only one hit with the sword of the dark fire would be enough... Darn, the whole main-research complex is destroyed, it will take us weeks to build new nano-bots. Fortunately, we still have the underground-lab.

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They won't get me. Firecy will be safe inside the crystal as long as the eternal field is active and just have to use the freeze-guard. Hihihi, let's see who is the stronger party in this little duel.

This was the last page of the diary, the rest had been ripped out. This is the evil thing which the magical tree meant, Ati thought, But it seems to be long times ago. She put the diary into her rucksack and left the library. She just wanted to go back into the entrance-hall where she wanted to stay for tonight when the entire building was shaken by a deafening crash. At first, thought that the tower had been stroked by a lightning, but than another thunderous noise followed, only slightly weaker than the first one. It was coming from deep below earth, from the cellar.

To be continued...