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Nothing is What it Seems: Part Four

by Wild_K

Click here to see how this story started!

Character List: (Not everyone may be in this part)
Wild_K: Human, female, age 13
Sana110: Blue Kougra, female, owner: Wild_K
Kareem265: Green Peophin, male, owner: Wild_K
Monasooee: Green Bruce, male, owner: Wild_K
Cheena420: Christmas Eyrie, female, owner: Wild_K
Ravenclaw113: Human, female, age 12
Balfore: Blue Shoyru, male, owner: Ravenclaw113
Disco Light Faerie, Kiki: Wild_K's shopkeeper (made up), female
EVIL_Td6915: Yellow Kougra, male, owner: DragonFire_Takeru
Faeriequeen6: Human, female, age 12
DragonFire_Takeru: Human, female, age 12
Charcoal: Sana110's PetPet The Bloop
Hissney: Monasooee's PetPet The Cobrall
Winter Frost: Kareem265's PetPet The Abominable Snowball
Cream Puff: Cheena420's PetPet The Floud
Golden_Hope: Human, female, age 12
Bluebell663: Blue Uni, female, owner: Faeriequeen6
Blue_Blaster99: Blue Lupe, male, owner: Golden_Hope
DragonFire_Takeru_jr: Yellow Kacheek, male, owner: DragonFire_Takeru
Koushiro_Girl: Human, female, age 13


The next day…

"I'm going outside in the yard with Hissney!" Monasooee called to Wild_K.

"Okay. Just stay where I can see you," Wild_K called back, "Man, I am my mother!" She continued to wash the dishes, "Ohh, Mona! Could you check the mail? I haven't for about a month now!"

"Sure!" Monasooee came back with his arms full of letters, "You should really check your mail more often!" He placed them all on the kitchen table.

"Okay, let's see what we have here…" Wild_K took a handful of letters and flipped through them. "Home construction bill; letter from Faeriequeen6; another from Koushiro_Girl; one from Golden_Hope; and one from… DragonFire_Takeru!" Wild_K placed the other letters on the table and read the one from DragonFire_Takeru.

"What does it say? What does it say?" Monasooee nagged, again.

"Ohh my…" Wild_K's eyes widened, "That's what I call a loyal, but wrong, pet… How sweet." She dropped the letter onto the kitchen table and walked into the living room where Sana110 was watching TV.

She sat beside her. Sana110 didn't look up from the TV.

"You can see EVIL_Td6915 if you want to again." Wild_K said, "You were right. I didn't understand him."

"Ohh, thank you!" Sana110 said rubbing her face against Wild_K's. "But what made you change your mind?"

"DragonFire_Takeru sent me a letter, explaining everything."


Meanwhile, Monasooee was reading the letter from DragonFire_Takeru to Cheena420 and Kareem265…

"Dear Wild_K,
I am sorry for the way my Kougra, EVIL_Td6915, has been acting. As you may have guessed, there is a good reason for it. Let me start from the top… I am poor, always have been, always will be. I adopted EVIL_Td6915, and ever since I did, he wanted to make my life luxurious. Since I have barely have enough money to buy food, he decided to steal stuff for me to help make my life perfect in Neopia. He goes to the Markets and steals food, makeup, toys, etc. Even though I disapprove to this, he doesn't listen. He dragged Sana110 into this mess and all she wants to do is help. I'm sorry for all the bad things that happened to you and your shop in the past, and I promise, it will be stopped at once!

Yours Truly,

Monasooee read aloud.

"That is so, so nice…" Cheena420 said, a tear rolled down her cheek. Kareem265 poked her with his hoof to stop her from crying.

"Suck it up, girl," he snapped in his light British accent.

"It's just so touching!" Cheena420 said.

"Whoa… That's a real punch in the stomach!" Monasooee said.

"Why's that?" Kareem265 asked.

"Well, I was looking forward to seeing that Kougra behind bars!" Monasooee answered.

"You are both selfish pigs!" Cheena420 said raising her beak.


Later that day in Faerieland…

"Okay… Let's go to that Wheel of Excitement, shall we?" Wild_K asked.

"Yes, we shall!" Cheena420 answered, she was there because she flew Wild_K up to the cloud.

"Step right up and you can win, win, win!" Said a light faerie, standing next to the wheel. "Only 100 NP!"

"Okay, spin away," Wild_K said handing her 100 NP.

"And there goes the wheel, and you get…" There was a hush over the crowd that was watching, "10,000 NP! Congratulations!" she cheered. Then passed the money to Wild_K.

"Okay, let's take this and put it to good use," Wild_K said to Cheena420, "To Tyrannia, and step on it!" She jumped on Cheena420's back and they flew off.


Now, in Tyrannia…

Wild_K and Cheena420 walked through the familiar Tyrannia village, Tyrammet. This time it was a lot louder. There was pets talking among each other, people singing and playing drums made of carved wood and animal skins.

Wild_K walked up to DragonFire_Takeru, who was helping a Tyrannian Kyrii build her straw house.

"Uhh, DragonFire_Takeru…?" Wild_K started.

"Yes?" she asked, looking up at her.

"Umm, I wanted to give you this," Wild_K said handing over the 10,000 NP that she just won.

"No. This is why I didn't want to tell you that I was poor! I don't need your pity money!" She snapped.

"I think you should take it. It's half of an apology that I jumped to a conclusion about EVIL_Td6915," Wild_K said.

"I can't accept this much NP though." She said.

"Why not?" Wild_K asked, "I just got it from the Wheel of Excitement, no big deal!"

"I will only accept half, no more." DragonFire_Takeru said sternly.

"Fine then." Wild_K said, she handed her half and then turned to walk away.

"Ohh, Wild_K…" DragonFire_Takeru started.

"Yes?" Wild_K turned back around to face her.

"Thank you." DragonFire_Takeru said.

"No problem." Wild_K smiled then jumped onto Cheena420's back and flew off into the sky.

"Doesn't it feel good to be generous?" Cheena420 asked.

"Yup. Infact… Stop at the Money Tree." Wild_K said.

They landed right in front of the tree and she left 2000 NP for the less fortunate.

"Let's go buy something now, okay?" Cheena420 said.

"Okay, what store though?"

"It doesn't matter, let's go to…" Cheena420 started.

"The coffee shop, then we could go see the art gallery." Wild_K said.

"Great! I always wanted to go there!" Cheena420 said, "You're the best owner I ever had!"

Wild_K laughed, "I'm the only owner you ever had! Common, let's get the rest of the gang back at home, I don't want to leave them out of the fun!"

The End