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Conquering Faerie Evil: Part Two

by umbreon_of_the_moon

Click here to see how this story started!

Mint's Injury, and Blueberry's Ability

In the morning, Blueberry knocks on Mint's door but Mint doesn't answer. Mint's window is open. Heather comes and answers the door.

"Is Mint there? We were going to fly to school together," Blueberry asks Heather.

"She's here, but she doesn't really want to see anyone," says Heather to Blueberry.

"Why? What's happened?" Blueberry asks. Mint comes to the top of the stairs.

"This happened," Mint says sadly. Blueberry looks up at Mint. Mint's body is covered in bruises and she has teeth marks all over her body. She has got a scar over one eye and some of her fur has been ripped out.

"I don't understand. What happened to you?" Blueberry asks Mint.

"Devil and Danté happened. They did this to me. I was playing outside in the garden. They ran down the road, ran into the garden, and started hitting me before I could do anything. I passed out and Heather found me unconscious in the garden a few minutes later," Mint says, starting to cry.

"Why did they do that to you? You never did anything to them," Blueberry says.

"I don't know. But you got to go to school.. You can come round after school. I'm not going to school today," Mint says unhappily.

"Well, OK. Look after yourself, OK?" Blueberry says, as she flies off to school.

When Blueberry gets to school, Miss April asks Blueberry where Mint is.

"She's at home injured because two red twin Grarrls, not mentioning any names but the two sitting in the corner, beat up Mint really bad. She has bruises all over and she has got a scar over one of her eyes and she has got some of her fur missing," Blueberry says angrily. Miss April looks over at Devil and Danté.

"Those two?" Miss April asks, frowning.

"You guessed it," Blueberry mutters as she sits down in her seat.

During the second lesson, Math, Devil comes over to Blueberry.

"If I take one Shoyru, and multiply by a thousand bruises, how many bruises does that Shoyru have?" Devil mocks.

"You better shut up...or something bad might happen to you," Blueberry warns angrily, leaping up from her seat.

"What are you going on about, Midget?" Devil growls.

"I warned you," Blueberry says quietly.

"FLASH!" Yells Blueberry. Everyone turns around and looks at her and Devil, just as Blueberry releases a bright Flash of light at Devil. The light flashes in the classroom, causing everybody, except Devil and Blueberry, to cover their eyes protectively. Devil gets blinded by the light, and Blueberry just stands there, clenching her fists, growling. Devil stumbles around, trying to regain his eyesight. Devil trips over a chair and lands face first into Miss April's desk, knocking everything off.


"B...B...B...But," Devil tries to explain, shocked at Miss April's yelling.

"DEVIL! NOW!" Miss April yells. Miss April goes over to her Desk and gets a small Robo-Poogle out. She presses a button on the belly of it to "Stay". The Robo-Poogle barks, runs over and stands in front of Devil, making sure he doesn't move.

All of the other kids in the classroom, except Danté, run over and start to congratulate Blueberry.

"Wait until I tell Mint what I did today!" Blueberry thinks to herself.

To be continued...