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The Day of Lucy and the Carrot Donation

by amandad87 of the Bunny Lover League

Hi my name is Lucy. I'm a Cybunny and it is my first day of school today. I am a little nervous. "LUCY HURRY UP!" Well I have to go that is my mom calling.

Narrator: Okay Lucy walks in to school today and soon finds out what is going on. She gets her schedule and looks it over:

8th grade principle Mrs. Zoe
Homebase: Mrs. PeachiePai
1st period: Mrs. Booster Bunny | Social Studies
2nd period: Mrs. Wubba | Science
3rd period Mrs. Tuvane | Art
4th period: Mrs. Amandad | Gym
Lunch: YUMMM -----
6th period: Mrs. Bunny Baby | Math
7th period: Mrs. Baby Blue Stars | Language Arts
8th period: Mrs. Nonewneo | Spanish

Great!! I have good teachers. PeachiePai says, "Welcome To the Bunny Lover League Team. Please take a seat." Lucy goes and walks to her seat. Linzey whispers, "Hi, Lucy. I'm Linzey." Linzey another Cybunny makes friends with Lucy and they soon become great friends. "Man, this stinks I'm not in any of you classes except for homebase," Lucy says to Linzey.

"That's okay at least we can talk in homebase!"

"I love all my teachers! I can't believe we even have a rabbit as our team pet," says Lucy.

"I know it's great! I was here last year for 7th grade. I even got to take it home one time!" says Linzey.

"Wow! That would be so cool! Who keeps the rabbit in their class room?" asks Lucy.

"Mrs. Amandad does and I'm sure she would let you take her home if you wanted," says Linzey.

"That would be neat! Maybe I"ll ask her," says Lucy.

"Hey did you hear about the assembly today?" says Linzey.

"No, what is it?" Lucy asks.

"I don't know but let's walk there together so you don't get lost on the way!" Linzey suggests.

"Okay, would not want to get lost on the first day of school!" says Lucy.

Narrator: Lucy and Linzey walk to the auditorium together and sit down in the bleachers.

Mrs. Zoe says, "Welcome all and thank you for coming so quickly. We have an announcement to make. It is that we will be having the annual carrot donation. It starts this week. As you know all carrot donations go to the hungry Cybunnys of the school. We will have a sign up sheet for all the Cybunnys who want five carrots. Don't worry; all the Cybunnys will be kept confidential. No embarrassment for anyone. So everyone start donating! Bring all carrots to the Hutch (lobby) in the front of the school. Okay, get back to class please. Thank you."

"Wow, this school is so giving!" says Lucy.

"I know it helps a lot of people," Linzey states.

"Well, I have to go to 1st period," Lucy says.

Narrator: Lucy arrives in first period and Mrs. Booster Bunny greets her. Lucy loves her even though Social Studies is not her favourite subject.

"Wow, Mrs. Booster Bunny is cool," Lucy says.

"I know, I had her last year. She is pretty nice," Linzey replies.

"Off to 2nd period. Bye Linzey," says Lucy.

Narrator: Lucy and Linzey talk between periods. Mrs. Wubba is no ordinary teacher--she likes to spice things up a lot. In Lucy's class she accidentally burnt the flowers! Lucy likes her and has a lot of fun for the first day of school.

"LINZEY," yells Lucy.

"What?" Linzey asks.

"Mrs. Wubba burnt the flowers today in class! Cool huh?" says Lucy.

"Definitely! I can't wait until I have her! Well....I have to go get to Gym see you later!" Linzey waves good-bye.

Narrator: Lucy is off to Art class. She loves Mrs. Tuvane! She has them making pictures of each other with fruit!! Lucy's day is going great so far. Then she goes to gym and everything is even better. Lucy talks to Mrs. Amandad about the rabbit. Mrs. Amandad says Lucy can take it home this weekend which is great! She will have company this weekend. Mrs. Amandad is terrific! She loves to play the games with the kids.

"Linzey guess what?" Lucy asks. "Wha--" Linzey gets interrupted by an excited Lucy.

"I get to take home the rabbit this weekend!! I am so happy!! Her name is Bunny Lover League but they call her BB (Bun-Bun) most of the time. This is so great!" exclaims Lucy.

Narrator: Lucy and Linzey eat lunch together and then Lucy is off to 6th period. Mrs. Bunny Baby is great! She came from China so she taught them some numbers in Chinese today. Lucy thinks that is so cool for a math teacher to do.

"Lucy anything new happen? I heard Mrs. Bunny Baby was a bore," says Linzey.

"Are you kidding? She was great! Look at these new Chinese numbers I learned. She is definitely NOT boring! I have to go. Catch you later," Lucy says.

"Buh bye," says Linzey.

Narrator: Lucy is off to Mrs. Baby Blue Stars' class. Language Arts is her best subject. She loves the class and makes lots of friends too. They make picture words our of themselves and Mrs. Baby Blue Stars takes their picture.

"Linzey, you are going to love Mrs. Baby Blue Stars class."

"How come?" Linzey asks.

"We made picture words.... out of our bodies! Cool huh?" says Lucy.

"Yes, I can't wait! Well, see you in homebase. Now it's off to 8th period."

Mrs. Nonewneo says, "Hola! Como Estas? Hello How are you for those of you who don't know Spanish. Welcome to my class today." Lucy thinks to herself, Wow, she is so cool. I can't wait to learn more.

"Pop quiz today," says Mrs. Nonewneo.

Class replies,"What? Huh? We haven't learned anything."

"Yes, you have," says Mrs. Nonewneo.

(copy of pop quiz )

Name___________ Date_____

1) What does Hola! Como estas? mean_________

Hint: If you were listening you will know!! :)

Narrator: Lucy passes with flying colors. She now has a perfect 100% in that class and is overjoyed! She arrives in homebase and takes her seat next to Linzey and they talk about their day. Then Lucy gets on the bus and goes home. She writes in her agenda notebook......... Agenda Notebook:


"Lucy, it is time for bed," says Lucy's mom. "Okay, mom I am just putting my carrots in my bag!"

Narrator: Lucy goes to sleep thinking about the carrot donation, her teachers and the Bunny Lover League team. She had a great day and knows she is going to have a great year.

The End