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The Four Acaras: Part One

by btrfly359

Some people think that all NeoPets of one species are exactly alike in both looks and personality. I am here to show you just how wrong you are....

There once was a girl named rainbowbot333. We'll call her Rainbow. Well one day Rainbow went to the hatchery and asked the cute striped Aisha at the counter if there were any Acaras.

"Oh, we have many Acaras! What attributes would you like them to have?" the Aisha said with lots of happiness because not many people wanted Acaras. "Well... I want one red, one yellow, one blue, and a green. All girls."

And so she got them. Yellowgirl359 was yellow, Bluebaby359 was blue, Greeny359 was green, and Royalred359 was red. The first pet I will talk about is Royalred359.

Boing! Boing! Went Royal's red big bouncy ball. Her sisters were inside eating Meat Stars for lunch. Royal was very conceited and snobby. They bragged a lot too. to.

"Guess what pets!" said rainbow with lots of excitement in her voice, "I just got a letter, and you are going to your first day of Neoschool tomorrow!"

"Yay!" said Yellowgirl.

"Cool," said Greeny.

"I can't wait to bring my makeup in for show and tell!" said Bluebaby.

"You're SO hurtful rainbow!" said Royal as she pouted the way to her room.


Royal road her new gold bike to school, wearing cool shades. She brought in an ice Aisha Totem for show and tell. The other three Acaras walked to school with Fuzzles for show and tell. When royal got to school she said, "Rainbow, I want to be painted cloud like that Cybunny over there!" and that was all she talked about for days.

"Royal, you know we are saving for Neopkins for username6244's pet! We can't afford a paintbrush!"

But Royal thought nothing of username6244's pet! How mean she was! Royal sat in her room trying on the studded collar that her owner had gotten her when she screamed for a present. And rubbed some dirt off of her Jubjub T-shirt that Yellowgirl won at a shop raffle but Royal yelled so loud that Yellowgirl gave it to her.

She didn't realise that all of this would backfire on her in the future. Then, Royal had a great idea! "Rainbow, I'm going over to Cloudyblue44's house! You know, the clouded Cybunny I met at school!"

Rainbow knew what Royal was up to, she wanted to find out how Cloudy got her paintbrush.

"Go with Bluebaby!" said rainbow.

"Okay. I need more red lipstick anyway. I saved my Meerca Chase money enough." With that, the two were off.

When they got to Cloudy's house, it was the size of Rainbow's NeoHome. "I'm Royal, from school and I wanted to know how you got your cloudy paintbrush," asked Royal.

"Well, I saved all of my Meerca Chase and Cheat! money until I had half the money I needed. I then completed many jobs, and went to the shop wizard to buy it!"

Cloudy and Bluebaby became good friends. Royal hated being ignored, so she screamed and pouted. Cloudy began to cry and Fishpopper55 made the two Acaras go away. "Nice going Royal. No wonder you have no real friends!"

Royal didn't take that as an insult, she really thought about what Bluebaby had said.

To be continued...