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Rhian - The Last Ruler of Neopia

By snoboardprincessash

Ever wonder why there is no ruler of Neopia? Not just Neopia, but the other worlds as well, such as Faerieland, Winterworld, and more. Here's the story:

Princess Rhian squirmed in her throne, longing to go outside, and run free. It was SO boring being a princess! Finally, her mother, Queen Snow, said, "Rhian, you may go out now, but STAY AWAY from alleys, gangs, and the Battledome!"

Rhian whined, "But mom!!! I wanna go and fight!"

Snow gave Rhian a cold look and said, "No! you might break your delicate wings or even your fingernails!"

It was true. Rhian was a Faerie Kyrii, and a true fighter. She had snuck off to the Battledome once but her mother managed to find out. Anyway, back to Rhian. Aww, look! Rhian is flying above the meadows with her friend, Princess Sylvia, a Faerie Meerca. Suddenly, Sylvia stopped abruptly and said, "I got a feeling that there will be no more rulers..."

Rhian just laughed and said, "That's impossible! We will rule for many generations to come!"


A servant marches in, recently just fired by Snow. The servant, Adee the Chia, had been invited for dinner. She had volunteered to help serve the drink to Snow and Rhian. "Dinner time!" Adee sang cheerfully. A servant rushed to get Snow.

Rhian and Sylvia were zooming around the sky cheerfully when they heard a call. "Rhiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaannnn.... dinner time!" the voice said.

"Uh-oh! I gotta go!" Rhian cried. She flew back to the palace. Dinner was some expensive foods from other worlds. Rhian blurted out, "I'm thirsty!" and so did Snow. Adee smiled and said, "I'll get them for you," in a cheerful-like tone of voice. She quickly rushed in the kitchen and poured something fishy in Rhian's drink.

"With only Snow, and no King, and when Rhian's gone, there will be no heir to the throne and I will take over!! Ha ha ha! It's brilliant!" Adee whispered to herself. She gave the special drink to Rhian, and served the rest to everyone else. Adee put her cup in the air and said, "A toast for the Princess! Long Live Rhian!" and laughed. Rhian drank the drink and said, "That was good!" dinner went on like normal.

As soon as dinner was done, Rhian went to get ready for bed. After she got undressed, she noticed her skin colour was changing. Hmmm, this isn't normal, she thought. When she went to the mirror to get her brush, and brush her fur, she was horrified by what she saw in the mirror, so she SCREAMED. I mean, she SCREAMED so LOUD that Snow came rushing up to Rhian's room. Rhian was sobbing, and she had locked herself in her room.

"What's going on?! Are you OK?!" Snow shouted.

Rhian was still sobbing, "No! you won't love me anymore!!! I've become a MUTANT!!!"

Snow had a servant to bang down Rhian's door. Snow gasped when she saw the last of Rhian's wings going away.

Rhian sobbed, "Now your gonna want to put me in the pound and get a better looking daughter!"

Adee come in the room and gasped. WHAT?! SHE SHOULD BE DESTROYED! Adee thought. Stunned, Adee ran away, never to be heard from again.

Snow turned to Rhian and said, "Don't worry... we will do something. We will make you a Faerie again someday." Snow's eyes grew wide in fight as she noticed that Rhian's head was getting bigger. THE BRAIN WAS FORMING. SHE WAS NOW A MUTANT. Snow left, and as she walked down the hall, tears came in her eyes. "Oh, Rhian...." she said quietly.

The next day, it was tough. First, Snow had been destroyed mysteriously, so Rhian was now an orphan. She left the palace and wandered for days. Adee came back to the palace 2 weeks later, and she said, "Since Rhian and Snow are gone, I think I should take over! Either Rhian was kidnapped or destroyed also!" So, Adee was the new queen of Neopia, and the other lands beyond Neopia.

One day, while she was taking a walk in the forests, she saw a mutant Kacheek talking to an Earth Faerie. "Oh, Rhian," said the Faerie, "Go back, I know it. We need you, Rhian. I will come with you."

Adee's jaws dropped open. Rhian, talking to an EARTH FAERIE??? She quickly rushed back to the palace, and went to the throne and sat there. A servant came in, bowed, and said, "Your majesty, A Lupe named Lilac and a mutant Kacheek wants to see you."

Adee sighed, "Bring them in, and give them a tour of the palace!" The servant did what Adee commanded.

During the tour, the servant said, "This is the secret lab." So while the servant wasn't looking, Lilac and Rhian snuck in the lab and started looking for a Kyrii Morphing Potion. But they were out. So, they grabbed a purple Zafara Morphing Potion instead. They were about to leave when they faced a mad Adee. She snatched the Zafara potion out of Rhian's hand and pulled a cord. Alarms went off.

"Better hurry," Adee sneered, "Better hurry, I'm excepting company." The doors fell down, and there were the palace guards. "Destroy them! They destroyed the Royal Family!"

Adee shrieked. Rhian screamed, "No wait! It's me, the Princess! Lilac, they're not listening to me!" Lilac threw something on the ground, and it became a cloud. She changed into the Faerie Queen. She quickly grabbed Rhian and flew up into the clouds--to Faerieland. When she got there, the Faerie Queen gave Rhian a package and said, "I except you to come back."

Rhian said thanks and went through a transporter and came back to Neopia. She opened the package and was VERY surprised! It was a Faerie paint brush! She quickly ran to the Rainbow Pool and painted herself Faerie.Now she was a BEAUTIFUL colourful Faerie Kacheek! Rhian squealed in delight, as she went back to her palace, where she once ruled Neopia. She and her friend, Sylvia, overthrew Adee together, and Rhian was ruler once again.

Since Rhian didn't have any brothers and sisters, and she didn't marry, there was no heir to the throne. So, after 90 years of successful ruling Neopia, Rhian visited the Faerie Queen before she stepped down. "Thank you so much, your Majesty. I really love my new looks, and you saved my life in the lab," Rhian said to the Faerie Queen.

The Faerie Queen replied, "You're welcome. Since you have been so *KIND* I will grant you one more wish."

Rhian thought hard for a while, then she answered, "When I am gone, I would like a statue erected in my honour in Faerieland, and I would love to be remembered forever..."

The End