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The Time Machine

by benjyboy2000

"Just a few more screws here and…" This was what Professor Ivan, a professor from Neopia, said when he was completing his Time Machine, in the Tyrannian Jungle. He stepped in and pushed the button marked "FUTURE", and keyed in Year 15 on the keypad.

Professor Ivan arrived in Year 15 in the Tyrannian Jungle. As Professor Ivan explored the land, he noticed that there was nobody walking around. There were roads lined with magnets where walkways used to be. Suddenly, a Chia whizzed by in a blue vehicle.

The Chia explained to Professor Ivan that the magnets on the roads repelled the magnets on the bottom of the vehicles. The complicated controls of vehicles found in other parts of Neopia had been reduced to a steering wheel, a button marked "GO", and a button marked "STOP".


Next, Professor Ivan bought a small vehicle. He was amazed at the smooth ride and the vehicles' ease of use. He reached the Tyrannian Plateau in under a minute. The usual goods were sold and the usual services were provided--only that each shop was nothing more than a room with two walls, with shelves on the sides, a mini-computer and a road in the middle. Professor Ivan learned from the friendly inhabitants of Tyrannia that to purchase goods, all one had to do was drive through the shop and press buttons on the minicomputer to request the things they wanted. After "bargaining", a robotic arm would hand the goods to the customer.


Professor Ivan drove to the city of Ugga near the Tyrannian Volcano, the fiercest volcano on the planet. That was the one part of Tyrannia that had not changed much. Suddenly, the volcano, once thought to be extinct, erupted! Red-hot lava ran down the sides of the volcano. Professor Ivan ran to a shelter that was specially designed to be protected from volcanic eruptions. He was, thankfully, one of the few survivors.

Much of Ugga was wiped out. However, that was not all that happened. The tremors from the volcano were so strong that they shook the ground and moved a large rock that was on the ground nearby.


This uncovered a large hole in the ground. The fortunate survivors of the eruption stared in amazement at the hole. A Blumaroo explained to Professor Ivan about the underground city of Inko that was built in Year 20 B.N. (Before Neopia). The inhabitants were mainly Jubjubs and Kacheeks, though other species lived there too. Professor Ivan said to himself in amazement, "So Tyrannia was inhabited long before Neopia actually was known of!"

The survivors, including Professor Ivan, decided to venture into the hole, which was apparently once the entrance to Inko. There were actually caves dug here and there. Some of them had Tyrannian words etched on their walls. The Professor used his gadgets to decode the words. They appeared to be rules to some sort of game. This game closely resembled Dice-A-Roo, a popular game in Neopia. Professor Ivan thought, "Could the Tyrannians be Neopians' real ancestors?" In other caves, the words on the walls appeared to be prices of goods. This was what some of the words on the wall said:

· BED: 18600 TP (TyranniPoints)

Professor Ivan noticed that the prices of the goods were nearly the same as those of the goods sold in Neopia, only that the currency used in Inko was TyranniPoints.


After exploring the caves, Professor Ivan returned to the Tyrannian Jungle. Using his Time Machine, he teleported himself to Year 2 B.N. When he stepped out, pandemonium was everywhere! Soldiers were marching in formation, their swords and shields bearing the letter "N". Looking in another direction, he found soldiers with swords and shields bearing the letter "T". The Professor figured that "N" stood for Neopia, and "T" for Tyrannia.

Professor Ivan hopped into his vehicle and activated the "shield" function. He traveled further until he came to a group of caves. The Professor entered one of them, realising that it was a home.

A terrified Lenny crept out and said, "Who… who… who are you?"

Professor Ivan reassured the Lenny and explained what had happened. The Lenny then invited the Professor into his cave. The Professor heard what was happening.

Neopia was at war with Tyrannia, which the Inkan soldiers were fighting for. If Neopia won, Tyrannia would become part of Neopia. The Neopians would play Tyrannian games and sell Tyrannian goods back in Neopia. TyranniPoints would also be known as Neopoints.


Professor Ivan was bewildered. So he used his Time Machine to teleport himself to Year 1. There, he saw all kinds of creatures holding banners that read "TYRANNIA IS FREE!" It was then that the Professor realised what had happened. All the things in Neopia could already be found in Tyrannia. When Tyrannia broke free from Neopian rule, the Neopians still played Tyrannian games and ate Tyrannian food. They also used Neopoints as currency. Soon after, Neopia apologised to Tyrannia for the attack. Relations between the two countries grew. Soon Tyrannia accepted Neopoints for currency.


Finally, Professor Ivan teleported himself back to when he had originally come from. He told of his discoveries, and won a Neobel Prize. That is why if you step into any Neopian or Tyrannian school during history lessons, you will see teachers talking to their students about Inko and the war.

The End