Do you want your pet to own in the Battledome, but just can’t afford those expensive Hidden Tower items? Then this is the guide for you! For less than 3500 NP, you will be able to make any one of ten Hidden Tower items, all by yourself! Simply follow these instructions, and your pets will be Battledome masters in no time!
10 Recipes for Hidden Tower Items For less than 3500 NP, you
will be able to make any one of ten Hidden Tower items, all by yourself! Simply
follow these instructions, and your pets will be Battledome masters in no time!
How to Make Your Neopets Look Like They Got Painted Tip # 5: If you want to make your pet look like it’s been painted with the
Snow Paint brush, play in the snow all day with your Neopet. When you come inside
you will have a snow covered Neopet.
The Return of Celia Synoptics: Part Three The lights were off, but DeSoni didn't worry.
It was standard procedure to preserve the Space Station's limited energy supplies
without exhausting its generators...
Andover's Quest: Part Three "What do you want, Electric One?" a mocking
voice asked him. Andover peered nervously around as a striped Lupess came out
of the surrounding trees. "Should I bow down?" she sneered.