Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 104,800,928 Issue: 204 | 18th day of Hiding, Y7
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Continued Series

Avalon and the Emerald Noil Gem: Part Eleven

As Quaz had suspected, there was no sign of an attack by Scarback. The bustling village seemed in perfect order, and the three entered the gates...

by cpmtiger
EndingArrow: Part Nine

They had been waiting for close to an hour so far since Sisslio had gone to speak with Tasson. Silence permeated the air of the dark room, its occupants lost in their own thoughts, having nothing to say to one another...

by sara_mossflower
Curses, Inside-Out: Part Eight

The chair, when she got to it, didn't seem nearly as comfortable as when she had been falling asleep in it last night, but she folded up her legs on it, wiped her eyes and tried to unsmear her glasses, and listened...

Also by dreagoddess

by schefflera

The Pirate Letter: Part Six

"You thought you could get away so easily. Firaga, you are a pirate, and you will always be a pirate. As long as you are a pirate, you are going to stay on my crew."

by czenko28
Superficial: Part Six

It was after I cleared the top of a towering behemoth of a tree that I noticed a bright spot of blue and red below me. Feeling a jolt at the sight, I dropped lower, beating my wings hard to hover...

by shelleylow
The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Runaway Raindorf - Part Five

Before we left, the four of us paid a visit to Sabra. The striped Cybunny was worried. Comet had been on his own for four days now...

by playmobil_is_my_life
A Day in Another's Shoes: Part Two

The faerie mumbled and turned around to sit on her bed. She bent down to get her shoes, put them on and have a good morning exercise when she stopped. Her shoes were gone!

by shadowcristal
The Return of Celia Synoptics: Part Three

The lights were off, but DeSoni didn't worry. It was standard procedure to preserve the Space Station's limited energy supplies without exhausting its generators...

by appaloosa500
Ancient Neopia: Part Five

"Do you see my power now?" The Archmagus held his staff in front of him, chanting words...

by articuno_neo
Andover's Quest: Part Three

"What do you want, Electric One?" a mocking voice asked him. Andover peered nervously around as a striped Lupess came out of the surrounding trees. "Should I bow down?" she sneered.

by hermione_granger1899
Echoes||Betrayal: Part Two

He held a large rock in it that I noticed a little too late. It came crashing down between my ears. I could hear the raucous laughter of everyone around me as I blacked out...

by freakogamer91
Stolen Treasures: Part Two

"Alright, it would be wonderful if you would help," said Fyora. "You should realize that this could be a very dangerous job. We don't know where the items are hidden."

by uni_luver
The Rainbow Pearl: Part Two

The Faerie Draikess resumed her post on the blankets as Ariadne looked back at the island. She could pick out some boats coming towards her. They were coming fast...

by charlotte203368
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"The Horror That Lurks in Every Kitchen" by neox52492
There is a danger lurking in every unsuspecting Neopian's Neohome. They see them every day, taking them for granted, but soon they will rise and conquer Neopia… yes… then you'll all be sorry. I tried to warn the public but they all laughed. In one desperate attempt to inform you of the peril you are all in, I wrote this...

Other Stories


Captain Threelegs and Ryshu the Nimmo – the Rivalry
Ever wondered why Cap'n Threelegs and Ryshu the Nimmo are enemies?

by little_hamsters365


All in a Day, Er, Night's Work
He dropped the bag on the ground, and crawled toward the nearest skylight. He was certain that the street below was empty, as well as the shop, but still, it paid to be careful...

by sois_sage


How to Make Your Neopets Look Like They Got Painted
Tip # 5: If you want to make your pet look like it’s been painted with the Snow Paint brush, play in the snow all day with your Neopet. When you come inside you will have a snow covered Neopet.

by soccergirl1017


...and *Pop* Go the Balls!
No, not icky Zurroball or boring old Gormball, I'm talking about the *sort of* new and better game, Frumball!!! The one that might resemble Korbat's Lab to you at first, but don't fear, it's better than that as well! ;)

by krysym


Too Much of a Good Thing...
What's wrong?

by cream_soda920


Why did Yiko the Draik Sentinel never get off his post?

by verallien

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