"It Must Be Love" by icegirl_sara "Yes," agrees the owner, her voice annoyingly tranquil and smooth. "But if you can't just pick it up, you can't just drop it. Once a bond of love is established, it's almost impossible to break. That's part of what makes it so powerful." Her eyes peep out of the darkness and look simply, openly at the pet. "Look." She pulls a One Neopoint Coin out of her pocket and...
Come Sundown I was on my first dig (the Techo begins) which was quite a few years ago, as you could well imagine. We were in the Lost Desert, in fact, though quite a few miles from here. Digging for a lost settlement no one else knew was here...
Breaking a Way Out of Bruno’s Backwoods Bruno's Backwoods Breakaway proves to be an action-packed fun game that is sure to be a challenge to the average Neopian. However, do not fear, as today, I am going to share with you the tips to getting that *shiny* trophy...
Lao and the Legend of the Sun: Part Four "It must have been Yang," Lao decided. Only the evil Draik would ever suggest such a frightening prospect. But Lao remained uncertain. The Draik had known the words of the haiku Rorru had given, and Lao was nearly positive that Ying had been the one to lead him toward Rorru's dwelling...
Shad and Saura: The Story of Elversti - Part Ten Saura pricked his ears up. He could easily hear sounds from the stronghold at this height where there was nothing but a few miles of thin air between him and the Fortress. "They're preparing for the attack..."