There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 192,252,277 Issue: 638 | 28th day of Running, Y16
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Gadgadsgame on the Brain

Gadgadsgame is the worst!

Story by bha288

by mandypandy667

Not For Eating

I don't feel so good...

by invalid
The Zaf Girls: Comedy Gold

That is not how you make friends.

by thesovietivan
Kyrrune's Comic

The only joke here was that tchea's attempt at a flip.

by candyplague
Slorgclops Parade: Snowy Fortune p.1

Well, how else did you expect him to get all that loot?

by leedit5
The Goofers

The writer was bribed... don't ask.

by lintsuf
Pteri Wings: Artist's Favorite Color

Eclair is planning on painting me...

by _torchic__
Dinner with the Scarlets: Mysterious Message

It's too soon to tell, but that never stopped anyone.

by june_scarlet
Generosity Fit for a King

The real joke is the prize.

Also by spelt

by l_like_animals

Wheel of Excitement!


by mili61580_2_0_8
Avatar Hunters

Two avatars... at the same time

by flying_tree
Fountain Faerie Fun

It used to be her fun, before Faerieland fell.

by madelania
Served with Tea

Well, what else are you supposed to bring?

by princessahoge
Sketch Parade!

Don't get carried away.

by glitt_
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"Do You Live on Mystery Island?" by call1ope
When she first sees him, she's eight years old, and he's a barely-flickering light in the distance. His humongous tail trails the ground, and he leaves smoke where he steps; the sight takes Amelia's breath away, even though she's seen ghosts before. Behind her...

Other Stories


He sees her for the first time from across the market, helmet askew and red hair in disarray, with Florange Jam and Squibble Berry smeared across her tunic.

by archetype


The Mender
Donny tugged on a string and the puppet waved; another tug, and it bobbed its head.

The aged Bori allowed himself a grin.

by swordlilly


Sartorial Shoyrus Part 3: The Show Continues
It's time to strut down the runway again and show off the last four fabulous outfits for your stylish Shoyru.

by lotusbutterfly


How To Stop Feeding Kadoaties
Sorry, pal, I'm only here to help you stop the addiction.

by happytimewithmilk


Sebastian's Spirits: Part Six
"Nobody dares makes a mockery of me, especially the likes of you."

by crazy_4_sushi


Fireballs Among Friends: Part Eight
Jazan felt the surge and the wild magic – it woke him up. Caspar started with a gasp, and Esmeralda fell off her chair. Then he heard, "Downstairs! Downstairs! Now, now, now!"

by saphira_27

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