Hi! I was away from neopets for a while and missed some dyeworks items. Will they by any chance be available again to dye or through a bundle or some differnt colours of the item? Thanks for your time! ~ pumigor25 Hi! Right now, we have no plans to re-release old Dyeworks, but that doesn't mean its impossible it could ever happen. For now though, your best bet is to try and trade for those items you're missing!
Hey there :) I was wondering when the Chocolate color for the Acara was going to be activated? I saw the color was released on Acara day.. but its not listed as a color at the Rainbow pool. :( ~ glogrl Sorry about that oversight! The chocolate Acara is now at the Rainbow Pool for all your chocolatey paint job needs!
I'm very happy for the Neoboard update but have a question. Does the Neohomes board being removed mean that Neohomes are being discontinued or was the board just unpopular? ~ ummagine3284 We decided to combine that board with the customization board, a description update to reflect this is being added in asap!
Hey CQ, it seems the new shells announced a couple weeks ago haven't appeared yet? Any chance they actually go in the Treasures of the Deep album? That would be amazing! I would love to see some new album items get added to older incomplete albums! ~ dottie27a Sorry guys! I'll look into these missing items and make sure it all gets nice and caught up!
Hi Jump Start! It seems some one forgot to take the highlight for the premium sale off the News Flash on the home page! On top of that I missed the sale. I had signed up for it last year as I had already renewed for a year just DAYS before the sale began last year. By the time my membership expired this years sale had ended and I also didn't get the sale price because it did not auto renew which meant I lost the sale price from last year. I'm not a happy camper. When is the next sale? ~ blue-eyed_tiger_j Hi! we usually do a sale in the summer for the premium anniversary, and again around the holidays. We held off last year to get the premium situation in order, and I can't make any promises, but now that things are sailing a bit smoother, it is definitely possible the holiday sale will return!
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