Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 183,437,693 Issue: 474 | 17th day of Celebrating, Y12
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Which Limited Edition Pet Are You?

A quiz to see which one of those elusive limited edition pets you are.

by chestnuttiger787
The Age Old Question

It is an age old question, almost a taboo, that no Neopet has ever dared to answer, or even question.

by chazer_rem
The Beauty of Krawks

Are Krawks the elite pets of Neopia?

by blackwater444
A Guide To Neopian Longevity

No one can say for sure what the future will hold for Neopia (though I think we all can easily imagine what we would want it to be like!), but there is one constant that is inevitable: getting older.

by lancebismine
A Beginner's Guide to Snack Safekeeping

Inspired by my life as a middle child.

by honshusan
Peas Don't Hurt Me!

A list of the ten best pea foods out there.

by poogleluver345
Unusual Foods: Sandwiches

What could be better than a sandwich on an ordinary day?

by ripplestream850
Stay Warm This Winter

A few tips on keeping your Neopet warm.

Also by pisces_babe_

by hotredfirefaerie

Ten Wonderful Winter Outfits!

Neopets as well as their owners need to bundle up to keep warm in winter, but who says you can't look super cute while doing it?

by kaylaftw
What to Do With a Pet That Hates Advent

We all either have that pet or know one who does; the pet that hates the month of advent, and more specifically, the day of giving.

by kita271
How to Create Your Own Neoboard Avatar

The first step is also the most important one. Think your avatar through.

by the_creator12345
Celebrating Borovan Day

After all, who wouldn't love to chow down on asparagus and hot chocolate-flavoured food and drink for a whole day?

by fire_mistress_101
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Celebrating Borovan Day

Borovan, the much-loved hot beverage of choice for Neopians, is celebrated each year on the 20th Day of the Month of Celebrating. This illustrious day of festivities is perhaps the pinnacle, nay, the centre-piece on the table of Neopian celebrations. After all, who wouldn't love to chow down on asparagus and hot chocolate-flavoured food and drink for a whole day? For those of you who have yet to discover the wonders of borovan...

Other Stories


The Reawakening of the MSPP
Now come on in, don't be afraid. 'Though, you probably should be. Oh well, nothing I could do about it now – they've seen you entering, so it's certainly too late now.

by nachtregen


The Waffle Truth
"Trevy, we need to move," Trish announced...

by crovv


Ninja Faellie Diaries: Part Two
"Then why did you leave a decoy in your bed?" Chris asked, holding up the pink Doglefox plushie. "You were trying to make me think you were still asleep!"

by luna4400


A Very Hunter Christmas: Part One
"I can't believe this is going to be our first Christmas in the new house!" exclaimed Tsukasa, gliding around the living room dreamily...

by capricornhunter


The Future of Gaming
Hopefully by "soon" they mean "never".

by not_so_shorty_12


Lab Uh-Oh
Are you sure?

by remyy

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