Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 184,867,923 Issue: 477 | 14th day of Sleeping, Y13
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Continued Series

Honest Lu: Part Two

"Cherry, Lukio! Where's Rachel?" Fawn asked, her large eyes full of worry.

by puppy_girl252
The Play's the Thing: Part Four

"Things happening in the play are becoming real..."

by herdygerdy
The Wheel of Glory: Part Three

Miles rewrapped his makeshift turban around his head as Thag and Plesio rowed the boat up the River Sakh.

by saphira_27
Unrest: Part Three

She has taken the Forbidden Stair, Mistress...

by linda_reincarnated
College Days: A Pirate Adventure - Part Two

The botany teacher, a yellow Ogrin, glanced up casually as Meadowbuck and Horax tip-pawed into the forest clearing that made up his unique classroom. He winked at them and continued his lecture without pause.

by newenglandquizzer
The Greatest Treasure: Part Three

"I took the liberty of renting a row boat for us to use today, while all of you were still asleep," Kat called to her friends...

Also by bluerang1

by masaryk_the_mad

Ninja Faellie Diaries: Part Five

After everyone finished screaming, "AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" due to the fact they were about to go off a cliff because no one was driving the wagon, an idea popped into Chris's head.

by luna4400
The Great Race: Part Two

"Come on! We don't have time to waste!" Sirenia was already running down the path to Happy Valley.

by solcana64
Of Aisha-Bots and Crate-Moving: Part Two

Relieved, Kalsau found the tiny spacecraft and helped Dalia into it. He was just climbing in when there was a huge rumble of footsteps and the door opened. Dozens of Grundos poured in...

by foreverh0mes
I'm Runner: Part Two

"I'm from... Darigan. Darigan Citadel, that is. And, um, I live there. And am going there. Because I like it there."

by peachwriting
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"The Portrait" by won_shi_tong
"Remember, Jun, once you place a line onto a page, it cannot be taken back." I hated it when master_piandao said stuff like that. My hands were already shaking from nerves; he didn’t need to state that and make it worse! I bit my lip and gently placed a line onto the paper with one fluid stroke, just like he taught me. I did it again. And again. Meanwhile...

Other Stories


Partly Cloudy With a Chance of Adventure
Kaela Kau was a bright, friendly soul.

by hellokitty_beauty


Roodoku - Letters from Roo Island
I heard that King Roo is looking for a new Blumaroo Treasurer.

by weepingwillowy


Habitarium: Let's Rock your Role!
Imagine yourself walking around a pile of grassy land together with little cute critters...

by rheiv_16


Hubrid Nox: Evil Mastermind, OR A NEOPIAN TREASURE?!
I thought I'd go in a bit of a different direction this time: revealing the softer side of some of Neopia's supposed 'villains'.

by zirr


Tastes like Pteri...

by dragon_loyalty


Diary of a Mad Neopian: Feline Fysiks
Here's another installment in the life of a mad Neopian... and her crazy pets!

by strangeperky

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