Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 184,867,923 Issue: 477 | 14th day of Sleeping, Y13
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Short Stories

Partly Cloudy With a Chance of Adventure

Kaela Kau was a bright, friendly soul.

by hellokitty_beauty
Habitarium Heroes

You are about to read a true story of heroes. First, though, I must set the scene for you.

by therons
To Remember

"Jacob! Jacob, have you cleaned your room yet?"

by stori_booke
The Hero

Rond felt like a failure.

by tj_wagner
Reminiscing Freedom's Memories

While you're browsing through the stalls, knights just march up to you, drag you to Meridell Castle and frantically worry and scold you like you've known them and they've known you...

by clovermint209
Mixa and Tixa

Mixa and Tixa have never gotten along, and in fact, they are almost always fighting, but things can change....

by chestnuttiger787
First Snowfall

"Come on, Ankwi, it's snowing! Hurry!"

by randomettee
The Portrait

"I'll need to use the sumi inks, watercolours, and a sheet of proper paper."

by won_shi_tong
Against the Grain

Jenn lets each of her pets work at the bakery after they've been a part of the family for one year. As today is my 365th day in the family, it's my turn to see if I've got what it takes to make a decent iced cake.

by enjoyeverything
Roodoku - Letters from Roo Island

I heard that King Roo is looking for a new Blumaroo Treasurer.

by weepingwillowy
Sloth and the Salesman

Sloth gets a lesson in dictatorship 101 from a surprisingly ANNOYING source.

by butterflygirl113
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How to be a Hero

A few brave (and not-so-brave) heroes have worked hard to restore peace and happiness to our lands. However, there have been times when those heroes could have saved the world much more quickly and efficiently. Here are a few guidelines to always follow when saving the world from the forces of evil. If a thief ever breaks into your home and tries to steal your artifacts—particularly the glowing ones—and you have the power to stop him, do it...

Other Stories


Hubrid Nox: Evil Mastermind, OR A NEOPIAN TREASURE?!
I thought I'd go in a bit of a different direction this time: revealing the softer side of some of Neopia's supposed 'villains'.

by zirr


Living a Lie: The Story of the Imposter Apple
No longer will you remotely question the strange happenings that must be about when you pluck a mask-wearing orange from Bart's pail. All your answers are here.

by fluffywoy


Never Send a Mystery Capsule to Dr. Sloth: Part One
I actually spend very little time in Sloth's presence myself during each day, but yesterday was different.

by fuzzymonkey31


Ninja Faellie Diaries: Part Five
After everyone finished screaming, "AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" due to the fact they were about to go off a cliff because no one was driving the wagon, an idea popped into Chris's head.

by luna4400


Egg Wars Chronicles

by miajune


The Goofers
If you don't know yet, Xweetoks would just do ANYTHING for jellybeans...

by lintsuf

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