How to Make Your Neopets Look Like They Got Painted by soccergirl1017
As you may know, getting your hands on a paintbrush is tricky business. That’s
why I’m giving you an awesome guide to getting your pet to look like it's been
painted. Now let’s get started!
Tip # 1: Was your Neopet born blue? To make it look like a starry pet, stick
paper stars on your pet and try not to use tape because it might harm the fur.
Tip # 2: To make your pet look like it’s been painted with a Darigan paint
brush, wear a cape and hide your face. I may have to warn you but most pets
would rather spend 1,000,000 Neopoints than have a very dark look.
Tip # 3: If you want your pet to look like its been painted with a invisible
paint brush, Make your pet hide in a closet, Show up to his/her school and say
he/she has been painted with an invisible paint brush and is standing right
behind me. Note: this also may work also of getting out of school completely.
Tip # 4: If you want to get your pet to look like it's been painted ice, put
your pet in the freezer overnight and when you wake up take him/her out. It
will have completely frozen or is just cold. Note: Don’t make your pet stay
in there too long or it could catch a cold. Unless you want a sick pet, better
skip Tip # 4. Other Note: If you want full effect, move to Terror Mountain.
Tip # 5: If you want to make your pet look like it’s been painted with the
Snow Paint brush, play in the snow all day with your Neopet. When you come inside
you will have a snow covered Neopet. Note: You may have to do this every day
because snow will melt. Other Note: This only works in winter. Other Other Note:
Pet may be cold.
Tip # 6: If your pet wants to look like it’s been painted with the Faerie Paint
brush, stick fake wings on the back of your Neopet. This might look dumb but
some people might believe it. Note: Real Faerie pets might be insulted if you
walk around like this. Then they will know you are reading this.
Tip # 7: If you want your pet to look like it’s been painted with a Tyrannian
Paint brush, make a necklace out of bones, make your Neopet wear it and make
him/her say Uga Uga Uga all day long. Note: This will only last one day because
you and your pet will get tired of grunts. Also no one will understand what
you are saying.
Tip # 8 If you want to make your pet look like it’s been painted with a brown
paint brush, (Which most owners don’t) Let your pet play in the mud for two
hours. Note: This might only last a day because mud in a neohome is nothing
to cheer about. Other Note: Some pets might not like playing in mud, so why
don’t you buy a brown paint brush.
Tip # 9: If you want to make your pet look like it’s been painted with a green
paint brush, Take your pet to Roo Island and make it go on the Merry Go Round
512 times. Note: May actually cause sickness. Other Note: What the heck! Just
go buy a green paint brush!
Tip # 10: If you want to make your pet look like it’s been painted with a Tomato
Paint Brush, squirt it with tomato juice. Put grass on head for even more detail.
Note: This is a good one because only Chias can be painted tomato.
Tip # 11: If you want to make your pet look like it’s been painted with a Ghost
Paint Brush, cut two small holes in a white sheet and put it over your Neopet.
This is stupid, but this is the only way I could make a ghost pet.
Tip # 12: If you want your pet to look like it’s been painted with gold paint
brush, simply paint it yellow.
Tip # 13: If you want to make your pet look like it’s been painted with an
Island Paint Brush, put flowers all over his/her body. Note: Make sure your
pet isn’t allergic to flowers.
Tip # 14: If you want to make your pet look like it’s been painted with a Halloween
Paint Brush, dress it up in a Halloween costume.
Tip # 15: If you want your pet to look like it’s been painted with a Disco
Paint Brush, pour purple shampoo over your Neopet. Now that your pet is purple
and sticky, put flowers all over its body.
Tip # 16: If you want your pet to look like it’s been painted with a Speckled
Paint Brush, just stick white dots on your Neopet. Note: Your Neopet has to
be born green.
Tip # 17: If you want your pet to look like it’s been painted with a Shadow
Paint Brush, paint it black, then make it stand at a angle where a shadow reflects
on your Neopet.
Tip # 18: If you want your pet to look like it’s been painted with a Split
Paint Brush, spread jelly on your Neopets body on one side, peanut butter on
the other. Note: You might need two pieces of bread to go with this.
Tip # 19: If you want to make your pet look like it’s been painted with a Pirate
Paint Brush, put an eye patch over you Neopet's eyes and draw a cardboard hook
and tape on his/her hand.
Tip # 20: If you want to make your pat look like it’s been painted with a Red
Paint Brush, get the Starter Red paint brush. I want to add a big fat, Duh!
Note: Your pet has to be born any color except Yellow or Red.
Well, this pretty much wraps up my guide on, "How to get your Neopet to
look like it’s been painted with a Paintbrush."