Return of Seamstress Cybunny: Part One by anime_cybunny
A month had passed since I first arrived in Shai's Outfitters,
face flat on the floor. It was the time when I finally found my specialization
and the time when my mother returned home from the subsided sandstorm in the Lost
Desert. However, it was also the time that my evil yellow twin sisters, Colleen
and Colette, finally were sent to the dungeon.
Shai's Outfitters was usually a quiet little
shop in a small village located on Terror Mountain. Ever since the incident
with my siblings and me, the shop became the talk of the town. On weekends,
the place would be piled with Neopets searching for special outfits to wear.
I recently learned how to stitch plushies. Those, along with the clothes, were
the only goods that were sold in Shai's Outfitters.
I was known as Sakura, usually called Seamstress
Cybunny. My dark pink fur matched my lighter pink eyes perfectly. I often wore
my work uniform, which was a pink dress with a dark pink heart in the center.
It was my very first piece of work in the workplace I also called home. The
dress was made of a special kind of silk from the other side of Terror Mountain.
My mother, yellow with cheeks as pink as a strawberry
milkshake, lived in a cabin-like house where my twin sisters and I used to live.
When off from work, I would pop over for a small visit.
My boss and special friend, Shai, was a yellow
Wocky with many wrinkles. Sometimes she looked frail, especially since she had
a high fever a while ago. I often felt bad for her because she suffered so much
over the last month. Fortunately, the clothes and plushies that were sold daily
helped pay for a lot of bills.
At first, I thought that I would go to teach
at a local Neoschool in Neopia Central. Now, with my specialty of being a seamstress,
I felt very happy and glad that I stumbled upon this place on the coldest night
in Terror Mountain. I thought that this would be my future. However, that didn't
exactly happen either.
It was a usual morning, with snow expected in
the afternoon. Shai was making morning tea while I sat on my cushion drawing
a sketch for new plushies and dresses.
"Good morning, dear." The kind Wocky smiled as
she passed me my teacup.
"Good morning, Shai!" I replied with my usual
positive greeting. Shai smiled and drank her tea. I had finished the day's issue
of Neopian Times, so I gave it to Shai for her to read. She wasn't feeling feverish
or ill, which was a good sign.
"Sakura..." The Wocky looked up from the Times.
"What is it?" I asked with curiosity. Despite
my petite size, I was rather curious of some things, especially in the shop.
"I have something to give to you. Please close
your eyes." Shai got up and went behind the wood counter. I obeyed and closed
my eyes, wondering what the gift may be. Would it be a new material to practice
on? The different fabrics of Neopia always fascinated me.
Suddenly, I felt something land on my paws. I
opened my eyes slowly and saw a wrapped piece of paper.
"Shai? What is this?" I asked.
"Well, Sakura, unwrap the ribbon."
The ribbon was a golden yellow colour with small
red dots all over. I unwrapped the ribbon and opened the piece of paper.
Dear Sakura,
Congratulations! You have been accepted to
Neopian Teaching School, located in Neopia Central. Attached to this letter
are directions to the building. Classes will begin on the date shown.
The Neopian Teaching Committee
What? I had been accepted into a school for teaching?
This is insane enough!
"Shai? This is an ACTUAL letter, right?" I stared
at the Wocky for a moment.
Shai held out the directions to the school and
smiled sweetly. I had a feeling that the letter wasn't a fake.
"I object to going to this school! First of all,
I didn't sign up! Second of all, I actually enjoy working here!" I pleaded.
"Please, Shai, don't make me go!"
"Overruled," she simply replied. "You shall be
going to school. This was your dream in the first place, right, Sakura?"
I nodded my head slowly. I had also wondered
who actually paid for the supplies and books. That was my next question to Shai.
The elderly Wocky smiled once again at me.
"Your mother signed you up. I paid for some of
it, your sisters paid for some of it -"
"WHAT? My SISTERS paid for this?" I instantly
stood up from my cushion. "You have to be kidding about this! My sisters wouldn't
even pay for much of anything! Even necessities!"
"Calm down, dear," Shai sighed. "Anyway, yes,
your sisters paid for this. They only did so because they were sent to the dungeon
a bit ago and were charged many, many fines. So, that's another reason for going
to this school."
I couldn't believe what I heard from Shai during
the past few minutes. It was shocking enough that I get to go to a special school,
but even more when I found out that my sisters paid for some of this. I imagined
that Colleen and Colette were quite appalled at the fact that their money was
being spent on my future.
"So, when will I be going to this school?" I
quickly asked while putting my teacup away.
"Classes will commence in a few weeks. You should
pack up next weekend," Shai replied, voice suddenly croaking.
"Shai? Are you all right?" I hopped back to my
"Yes, I'm just fine." The old Wocky coughed a
little. "You don't need to worry about me."
I became worried about Shai's condition - whether
she would have to be rushed to the hospital again or not. I only sighed at the
thought. Questions, however, still raced around in my mind - would I have to
be excused from school to help Shai? Should I not go at all?
The next few weeks went by faster than a snowstorm.
I was right next to the door, with my suitcase and supplies ready to go. Shai
approached me with a smile.
"Be careful, dear, and have a safe trip!" she
"I'll come on weekends if I get the chance!"
I waved and closed the door. It was time for my dream of becoming a teacher
to come true. To get to Neopia Central, I rented a sleigh and dashed down the
snow flurries. A boat was ready to take me to the warmer region.
Many hours later, I finally arrived at my destination
- Neopia Central. The walkways were crowded with people, especially in marketplaces.
I made myself a mental note to buy a few souvenirs for Shai and my mother before
leaving. Many houses of different styles and materials were lined up in many
more rows.
I eventually found my house, which was owned
by the school. They give you a house, which was included in the costs of attending
the school. I became excited about starting my education.
Taking a peak at the starting date, I grabbed
the direction sheet. As it turned out, the classes started two weeks ago!
"Why didn't that Wocky tell me earlier?" I shouted
out loud. There were a few vibrations during that scream. It seemed that the
first time was going to be a very difficult time.
The next day, I was ready to go to classes. I
carried my books with one paw and my supplies with the other paw. The books
were quite thick with thousands of pages contained in all. Supplies weren't
as much of a big deal though - they were only paper, pencils, and pens.
The Neopian Teaching School was as tall as an
ordinary school, with two floors full of classrooms and books. It seemed that
the difficulty wasn't going to be much. While walking toward the doors, I heard
a Yurble and a Lupe gossiping. I had thought that this was a school of grading
and teaching, but I assumed that even teachers, whether they're students or
not, had gossip as well.
My classroom was on the first floor, the fourth
door to the left in hallway B. The halls were crowded with students who weren't
going to classes. I sighed as I approached my assigned class.
As soon as I opened the door, a green Kougra
was sitting in the front of the room. She was petite like me, but had a couple
of wrinkles here and there.
"Welcome. Who might you be?" The Kougra got up
to shake my paw.
"I'm Sakura," I replied with a smile. "This is
my first day in classes."
"I see. I'm Miss Kougra and your seat is over
there." She pointed to a desk that was close to the teacher's desk, but closer
to the board. I simply nodded and took my seat, while the teacher added my name
to the attendance list. The chairs that students sat on were as hard as the
desk - not as comfortable as my cushion back in Terror Mountain.
About ten minutes later, the bell rang to begin
class. Miss Kougra stood and walked to the front board.
"Everyone, this is Sakura from Terror Mountain,"
she stated and nodded for me to stand. I heard whispers of first impressions.
Don't get nervous, don't get nervous, I thought.
"Sakura was a seamstress in a local clothing
store," the teacher explained to the class. "I'm sure that you all will be on
your best behavior as usual."
That was it. I suddenly felt like as if I was
in a little pet class, the one that you end up at when you were VERY young and
small. Embarrassed by the introduction, I sat down in my seat while the teacher
was explaining about other things.
At the end of the day, I was relieved as ever
to leave. Other students were teasing and making fun of me, the ways that Colleen
and Colette used to make fun of me. I felt ashamed, nervous, and embarrassed
at myself. I regretted coming to this school, and I even more regretted leaving
Shai behind alone in Shai's Outfitters. Even though she was an old Wocky, I
knew that with her condition that she would not be able to manage a whole store
to herself.
"Sakura!" Miss Kougra suddenly called. I turned
around in an instant. Some of the pets around me were giggling and whispering.
I was beginning to hate this school all around.
"Yes?" I rushed back to the teacher. She simply
smiled at me, the kind of smile that Shai always gave me when we first met.
"During the introduction, did I make you feel
unwelcome?" Miss Kougra asked with worry.
"Well…no," I lied through my teeth. I never actually
fibbed or anything before in my entire life. Actually, I only lied to my sisters
a few times so that they could get off my backs.
I suddenly remembered that I had forgotten something
in the classroom. I dashed behind the teacher and found my missing item under
my desk. Miss Kougra popped back in to the room, feeling that I didn't tell
her the entire truth.
"Are you sure that everything is all right?"
she asked with a frown.
"Well…um…it's hard to explain, really." I sighed
and leaned against my desk. The teacher came around and looked at me face to
"Was it the students? I can talk to them if you
like-" While she was trying to finish a sentence, I suddenly heard something
"No! I don't know who you are talking about!"
I heard someone shouting. Another item shattered and I hurried out the door
to find out where the crashing came from.
To be continued...