Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 90,555,321 Issue: 168 | 2nd day of Celebrating, Y6
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Neopia Over Used

by hyper_n_confused

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Great stories!


The Case of the Lying Letter: Part Six
"Well, this is annoying," I muttered as I glared resentfully at the evil blue Neopet. "Did I just come all this way, do all this hard work, just to get caught?"

by playmobil_is_my_life


Wrawk the Merciless: Part Three
"What could possibly help us in a situation like this?" asked Keego doubtfully. She glared at Wrawk, who put on a frown and widened his eyes. "Oh, no, don't do this to! Not Lupe eyes."

by simsman24000


Jelly Chia Food
Hmm... What does a Jelly Chia eat anyway?

by arreat77777


The New Kid
I was so happy that finally I wouldn't be considered a new kid, and that someone else could suffer. As the new student entered, my jaw dropped, both astonished and sad.

by dragon_stone_dude

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