A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 90,555,321 Issue: 168 | 2nd day of Celebrating, Y6
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New Series

Retribution: Part One

One by one, right after the other, each member of the squad checked in. Ten in all, wingmates, depending on each other to stay alive in this mess of a war.

by child_dragon
Magic: Part One

Thea was normally quite shy, and not one to socialize with pets she didn't know well. But the Kyrii looked so kind, and the grin on his face was so sincere, she decided to stay and explore.

by supergirl309
Lost Legacies: The Amulets - Part One

Trev sprang onto another rooftop. This is too easy, he thought as he jumped onto yet another one. He nearly slipped on the expensive transparishield, but his well coordinated body caught itself in time.

by diamond_rox
Darkness Binding 3: Part One

"No, they are not ready. They know too little about it. We should call upon the one who is already involved in it. It is our only hope."

by nomad2
Let There Be Lighten: Part One

Because she was quite bored, Antikia decided to pass the time by doing a little spell a visiting Light Faerie had taught her back on her island...

by cosmicfire918
Just Say the Word: Part One

"You won't be seeing me for a while," she had said to Nate, "this is my last word of the day suggestion. But don't worry, this isn't the last time you will see me."

by shadih_temporary
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Hard to Resist

When someone says the word 'cookie' what does your pet do? Jump up & down and look around excitedly? Whether it's a Chocolate Chip Cookie, Kiko Lake Cookie, White Chocolate Cookie, you always have your pet's uttermost attention when you mention the 'C' word. I mean, seriously, which Neopet’s mouth doesn’t water when someone mentions the word ‘cookie?’.

Other Stories


The New Kid
I was so happy that finally I wouldn't be considered a new kid, and that someone else could suffer. As the new student entered, my jaw dropped, both astonished and sad.

by dragon_stone_dude


She couldn't imagine that anybody could've been watching her. Yet, before she could ask the stranger who he was, the pet, as if an apparition, disappeared in the cool night air. Sylvia was terrified.

by belldandy213


99 Ways to Avoid Cleaning Up After Your Petpet
Are you tired of cleaning up after your Petpet? Well here are some ways to avoid it...

by lflm


The Lesser-Known Petpets: Wadjet
The masculine, manly, Cleopatra-esque Wadjet is a sandy-looking creature that hails from the Lost Desert. At least, I think it does, because I haven’t heard anything about the Wadjet much since it was first released...

by simsman24000


It's embarrassing to go in there.

by wicked_dragonite


Peanut Dash
And They're Off!!...

by cummi_is12

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