Meow Circulation: 90,555,321 Issue: 168 | 2nd day of Celebrating, Y6
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The New Kid

by dragon_stone_dude


Hi! My name is Shonan, and I am a fire Lupe. I was born at the peak of Terror Mountain, but soon my Dad, Andrew, wanted us to move down to Neopia Central. So we moved into a cozy home, and soon enough I had to start Neoschool. I was considered "The New Pet," and everyone would point at me and whisper about me as I walked down the halls by myself. I never really had any friends for the first few weeks, and I felt terrible. I had no friends and I sat alone at lunch. I didn't fit in anywhere. My life was ruined.

      One day in class, my teacher told us that there was going to be a new student. Our teacher walked to the door and opened it and whispered to someone outside, "Come in." She returned to her standing place and waited for the new pet to enter. I was so happy that finally I wouldn't be considered a new kid, and that someone else could suffer. As the new student entered, my jaw dropped, both astonished and sad. There stood a shy little Gelert. His name was Mako, and he had sweet blue eyes, a wet black nose, long ears, like all Gelerts should, and everything else seemed normal... oh, yeah, except that Mako was shaved. Mako was as bare as any pet could be. Most students chucked quietly or whispered mean and rude things about Mako. My heart ached for the new student. I knew that now no one would make fun of me, but this Gelert would have a much harder time than I could ever imagine.

      I stood in line, ready for lunch. My red lunchbox was clutched tightly in my hand as we walked out the door and down towards the lunch room. I entered the lunch room doors and searched for a place to sit. I sadly sighed and stared at Mako, who had sat down at an empty table. He slumped over and covered his face with his paws sadly. I watched as a few Kougras walked by and called Mako names like "Bald Boy." Mako bit his lip to fight back the tears, but it didn't help. Then the Kougras made fun of him for that. I would've walked over and stood up for Mako, but I didn't want to get teased. I waited until the Kougra gang walked away to sit with Mako. I scooted out a chair and asked, "May I sit here?"

      "Sure," Mako replied, not even bothering to look at me.

      "So, what do you think of this school?" I asked, taking an apple from my lunchbox.

      Mako shrugged and replied, "It's okay..."

      So he and I sat, and I mostly did all the talking. We talked about sports, interests, the newest toys. . . you know, all the usual stuff that regular boys talk about. The lunch bell rang and I told Mako that I had to leave. As I waved gingerly and walked away, I felt guilty for leaving him all alone again. But suddenly I felt a paw on my shoulder. I turned and saw Mako.

      "Thank you for sitting by me," Mako said quietly. "It's hard being a new student here... and especially being bald."

      "Yes, I know what you mean," I agreed. "Being the new person is hard. And, uh, can I ask you something?"

      Mako grinned and replied, "Sure."

      "Why are you shaved?" I asked.

      Mako sighed and replied, "Well, my owner doesn't like me too much. I did something bad... really bad... and he decided to shave me as a punishment. After getting humiliated at my former school, he decided that we should move and now I have to suffer twice."

      "I'm so sorry," I whispered.

      "It's okay," Mako answered, shrugging a bit. "But hey, it's nice in summer!"

      I laughed. But my heart still hurt for this poor boy. He was really nice, honest, and sweet. Other students though he was a loser just because of the way he looked. My heart had reached out for this poor boy. He accepted that I was trying to help. I was glad, because I thought Mako would treat me like I was a bully as well.

      So for the next few months, I visited Mako any chance I could. Whenever I had free time, I'd run over to his house and we'd play football or chat about school. He was one of the funniest people I've ever met, and I understood him, and he understood me. I still couldn't believe that Mako, my best friend in the world, had no friends just because he was bald. I completely looked at the world differently since I met Mako. He wasn't good looking, but so what? Looks don't tell your personality, and especially feelings. Mako hates it when someone calls him names for being bald. He may look like he's alright, but on the inside he is crying.

      One day at school, Mako wasn't there. I thought Mako was sick or something, so I rushed home to ask my owner if I could go to Mako's house and see how he was doing. When I reached home, Andrew told me that Mako's owner had written a note and left it on our door. It said that I should go to Mako's house as soon as possible. As soon as I heard the news, I once again raced out the door with Andrew, hoping everything was okay. We reached Mako's house and I knocked on the door, trying to stay as calm as possible. Mako's owner, David, lazily opened the door and said, "Yes?"

      "Hi, you left a note on our door that we should come here?" I quickly responded.

      "Oh... yes, that. I took Mako to the pound this morning," David replied carelessly.

      "What?!" Andrew shouted.

      "Yep, got rid of Mako. Mako told me to tell you good-bye and that he'll miss you," David said.

      "Oh... well... okay..." I whispered, glancing over at Andrew, and I could tell that he wanted to tackle David right there. I tugged on Andrew's sleeve and we left. Andrew looked back over his shoulder and stared angrily at David's house, wanting to get revenge somehow on him. I felt the same way.

      I couldn't believe it! David could really just live with that? What a horrible person. But then again, he's the one who shaved Mako's fur, which was a terrible thing to do. Mako was gone out of my life forever, all because of that David! I couldn't imagine that Mako had to go to a new school for a second time and get the bad treatment for the third time. Mako will be a wreck. And so will I.

      Ever since that day that Mako left me, I've had a whole new judgement of people. Just because Mako wasn't the most handsome Gelert, didn't make him that bad. Just because someone doesn't look as good as you doesn't mean you have to be mean to them. Who knows, maybe if you get to know that person, they'll be the closest friend you've ever had. I haven't heard from Mako since that horrible day, but I will always remember him and the valuable lesson he taught me.

The End

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