Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 90,555,321 Issue: 168 | 2nd day of Celebrating, Y6
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Continued Series

Firejewel: Part Seven

Aillara whirled around and met my gaze. "And one of the greatest beings on Neopia will rise again! Don't you see, pathetic Windstorm, it'll all be worth it."

by sara_mossflower
Reign of the Shadows: Part Six

The Faerie smiled. "We underestimated you, Jeran. We thought you would find a way to escape from the dungeon, although we hadn't counted on Valrigard. But we never expected you to jump off of the castle!"

by feriku
The Case of the Lying Letter: Part Six

"Well, this is annoying," I muttered as I glared resentfully at the evil blue Neopet. "Did I just come all this way, do all this hard work, just to get caught?"

by playmobil_is_my_life
The Tower Journey: Part Three

The tall figure dropped his bomb on the cobbled floor, and tugged Toggerneo to his feet. Soon they were speeding down the many corridors of the castle, heading towards the thick wooden doors. When they came into view they were blocked by two figures.

by neonick19881988
Savak: The Medallion - Part Five

"Shimmy up the pipe?" Lukas asked. "What would that…Oh, to get to that vent, you mean? I could try."

by zephandolf
Night of the Living Malevolent Sentient Poogle Plushie: Part Three

The Chia moved slowly towards the door and tried to find the correct key out of the many attached to the ring. The Poogle plushie winked at Iri, who had turned to see what it was doing, and then began running as fast as it could.

by shadih_temporary
Darkness Gathering: Part Five

Supernova my be nervous, but Shine's mood hadn't been better since he left. He might actually be on the right path.

by harmony1473
Gilbert the Poogle: Part Four

"I have an idea, Gilbert," she began slowly, cautiously. Taking a deep breath, she continued. "I've been thinking about it since yesterday night, after I saw how disillusioned you looked. You know how I'm a faerie?..."

by scarletrhapsody
Freedom and Glory: Part Four

Terror filled her wide eyes and she began to tremble, but still the little Uni shook her head. "I can't give up," she said softly. "I need to win..."

by laurelinden
Wrawk the Merciless: Part Three

"What could possibly help us in a situation like this?" asked Keego doubtfully. She glared at Wrawk, who put on a frown and widened his eyes. "Oh, no, don't do this to! Not Lupe eyes."

by simsman24000
Vira's Mirror: Part Three

"BOO!" Vira apparated right in front of them, scaring them out of their wits. "Come to save your precious Neopet, girl?" she swooped down, grabbed Moose, and threw her against a tree.

by thegreenmooseofdoom
Whiteout: Part Two

It had been a week since I arrived at Arrazaddan the Draik's tower somewhere in the wilderness of Terror Mountain and, due to the intense snowstorms that still plagued the landscape, I was trapped...

by scarrift
Telltale the Darigan Dancer: Part Two

When Chantel stepped in the courtroom, she felt as if she was in heaven. Beautiful stained glass from Brightvale surrounded the halls, where beams of light shot past and made rainbows on the ground.

by cruzerchic123
A Storybook Tale: Part Two

"It takes many faeries to stop a single pet, and we aren't that many of light. Some have already fled and others have joined forces with darkness. We need a pet to fight a pet!" Lyster pleaded.

by shadowcristal
The Woes of an Avatar Pet: Part Two

My new sister shrugged and said, "I don't know, but if I were you, I'd rather think of what'll happen to you when she's done collecting avatars."

by precious_katuch14
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Hard to Resist

When someone says the word 'cookie' what does your pet do? Jump up & down and look around excitedly? Whether it's a Chocolate Chip Cookie, Kiko Lake Cookie, White Chocolate Cookie, you always have your pet's uttermost attention when you mention the 'C' word. I mean, seriously, which Neopet’s mouth doesn’t water when someone mentions the word ‘cookie?’.

Other Stories


The Pilfering Petpet
I swung my feet over the edge of the bed and into my fuzzy blue slippers. Well, at least one of my fuzzy blue slippers. The other seemed to have gone missing. I had a pretty good idea where it had gone, too. Foofoo.

by ladyarienwen


The Tale of a Note, a Poem, Two Pets, and a Journey
Rion slipped under a huge, old tree. He lay down under it and watched the others. He sighed. He would NEVER be normal.

by xphantomstar


Everything Under the Sun: A Guide To Mystery Island
So are you tired of coming home after a long day of making Neopoints? Are you fed up with fighting pets, too much work, or an over-crowded guild? Do you need to relax but don’t know where to begin?

by tinybaby_orange1


Neopian Cookies, Can Your Pet Resist Them?
I mean, seriously, which Neopet’s mouth doesn’t water when someone mentions the word ‘cookie?’ No Neopet can resist the delicious tempting sweet goodness of a cookie, especially when it’s covered with gooey chocolate or icing.

by angelic_kittykat


Peanut Dash
And They're Off!!...

by cummi_is12


Neopia Over Used
...I thought it was happiness faerie not smelly faerie O.o

by hyper_n_confused

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